Big sigh of relief ;) We are not direct descendant of chimps. We may share ancestors but millions of years ago we parted company and went separate ways. Something eh! But why was Ardi found all alone? Where is rest of her family – her father, mother, siblings, husband and children? No one was nearby and was never found. She was wandering all alone in the wilderness? I don't know where this evolution thing is taking us.
Life is simply too complex to be explained away so easily by one simple evolution theory. Why did evolution need males and females? Why could it not come up with a single gender and then keep on reproducing. The complexity of emotions, mind and many other non-physical aspects of human life are an extraordinary mystery.
Life is too complex. Look at a small seed of an oak tree (or any tree or plant) – extraordinary programming has gone into it. Once properly sown in the soil and fertilized, it has the ability to grow into a huge tree and survive for hundreds of years. Who did all this programming I don't know. Or for that matter take a human egg, when fertilized it has extraordinary programming to grow into a fetus and then a full-fledged baby and human who can live for years to come. All that programming in that small egg. As a matter of fact every single cell in our body has its own intelligence and is programmed in a certain way. Cells are programmed to fight any foreign object coming into the body to ward off illness. Most time such fight is successful but other times it is not. I read somewhere that AIDS cells fool the human cells and indicate that they are one of them and once successful in fooling multiply by millions and ravage the human body.
How can all that complexity be explained through the simple and random process of evolution? I don't know. I sure am bewildered by all this and I don't understand the mystery of life.
Click here to read the story on Ardi.
It's too complex for you because you don't study science. You shouldn't make conclusions about the plausability of scientific facts or theories based on how "complex" you think they might be.
ReplyDeleteYou might want to stick to your area of expertise and leave scientific knowledge to people who study science. Sorry if science doesn't fit your religious beliefs.
Tyler, if you read this post and my blog in general then you would know that nowhere I promote any religion. I have been a student of human behaviour for many years and every day I am bewildered by life and its complexity. If you talk to a good scientist he will tell you the same. Remember what the great philosopher Socrates said, “I know that I don’t know.”
ReplyDeleteDarwinian theory that many believe these days forget that he was a very religious man. He never said that evolution was the final word on the creation of life on this planet and elsewhere.