Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ted Kennedy: The Champion of Healthcare Reform.

This video is from Keith Olbermann, Countdown, MSNBC.

Ted Kennedy continued to fight for healthcare reform for close to half a century. The US Congress must honour his fight by passing the healthcare reform bill. The suggestion to call it "The Ted Kennedy Healthcare Bill" is a good suggestion.

It is about time that Americans ignore Birthers, Teabaggers and other crazies sponsored by Fox News and the Republican Party, and do something which is right for their country.

The true "Death Panels" are healthcare insurance companies. They look at humans not as humans but tools to make money. If a person is too ill or too old then he/she is not worth spending money on, as insurance companies no longer make money from this person. So if Americans want to get rid of "Death Panels" then get rid of health insurance companies and start on a humane path and go for substantial healthcare reform. Ultimately someday get rid of "Death Panels" altogether, "Death Panels" being private health care insurance companies whose sole objective is to make money.

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