Thursday, June 04, 2009

Obama's Speech to the Muslim World

Great speech!


  1. Oh Oh, Big daddy USA has withdrawn it's support for the settlements. Way to get one right Obama! I wonder if the settlements will just be bulldozed or if the Palestinians will get to live in them. I know we're a long way from that but what a sweet irony it would be.

  2. I think this the best speech I ever heard from any political leader. Obama walked a very careful path and quite successfully. I believe settlements must stop and illegal settlements must go. No nation or people can be subjugated forever. Israel is a big sore point for the Muslim world and it must come to its sense. It does not matter whether these illegal settlements are destroyed or just abandoned as long as Palestinian's right to their land is recognized lot of legitimacy for Muslim fundamentalist organizations will be gone.

  3. I tried to play the video with no success. Apparently you have to perform a magic trick which I can't figure out. Help!

  4. rgl, sorry about that. I watched the whole 55 minutes of it with no problem. May be problem lies with Youtube.

  5. rgl, I have reposted the video. Try again. Good luck.

  6. I wish he would have visited GAZA.

  7. Oemissions, it would have been good if he would have visited Gaza but politically it wouldn't be feasible given the precarious and complicated politics of the area.
