Thursday, June 25, 2009

Afghanistan: The Forgotten War

Warning: The pictures in this video are graphic and very disturbing.

Click here to read more.

I learned about the story from PBS's World Focus program. PBS in turn got its information from the UK's ITN. It is a very disturbing story and, in general, US news networks are not reporting it.

CNN is so busy reporting the unfortunate killing of a woman in Iran and repeating the video endlessly. Sources of information are twitter and facebook entries from dubious origin and from unknown individuals. For example, the girl's age was first given 15, then 16, then 26, and the latest is 27 years old. I am just pointing out highly unreliable sources of information. It is a heartbreaking story, but what happened to balance in reporting? Why not these images from Afghanistan? They are available to report too. It is obvious that the main cheerleaders of "reform" in Iran are mainly neo-cons who hardly care about Iran or its people – hypocrisy taken to new heights.

This video is just one example of the atrocities of the world's "greatest democracy", the US, as tens of thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in Afghanistan and hundreds of thousands in Iraq. Are we really "developed", "advanced", and "civilized" societies or do we use extraordinary camouflages to hide our nefarious actions in the world, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years.

UPDATE: Another video on the Afghanistan War:

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