Friday, May 22, 2009

A Taste of Torture

A conservative radio host who previously said that waterboarding was not torture had his mind changed when he was waterboarded - he said it was worse than he thought it would be, and that is was "absolutely torture."


  1. Hooray! for Oberman... and the volunteer!
    Next time, use Cheney!.
    All of Congress!

  2. Even if Cheney alone volunteers and goes through it that will be a breakthrough. Large number of democrats in the Congress are already saying that water boarding is torture so may be they do not need the actual test.

  3. The disturbing aspect of this is that I'm sure the Guantanamo prisoners would be fully restrained and not be able to simply sit up and discuss "what that felt like."

  4. True, if unabomber Kaczynski and other mass murderer can be contained why can these detainees not be contained? Rest is fear-mongering and covering the crimes of Cheney and the gang.
