Sunday, May 03, 2009

Michael Ignatieff’s Coronation

Okay, I did listen to his acceptance speech for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada. Was I impressed? No. I got the feeling that the Libs got themselves a robotic arm and with the advancement in modern technology maybe robots shall rule. The man lacked the passion of Jean Chretien, business savvy of Paul Martin, charisma of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and the sincerity of Stephen Dion. Iggy's speech was robotic at best.

At times Iggy was directly plagiarizing Barack Obama when he talked about unity, saying that Canada is more than its ten provinces and territories and that we are one nation and that "yes we can" be united. Words from Obama's playbook during his campaign when he said that there are no blue states or red states, but rather one nation – the United States of America. Also the "yes we can" slogan. Then Iggy sounded like Hillary Clinton when he described his visit to the former Yugoslavia during the war there. His description seems to match that of Hillary Clinton's trip to Bosnia. I hope though that, unlike Hillary, Iggy's visit is backed by the facts.

I have been pretty good at predicting the future of political leaders and election outcomes but Iggy is an anomaly. Stephen Harper has botched up so badly that even a brick as a leader of Liberal Party may win the next election. However Iggy's positions, or lack of them, on certain issues has been troubling. He admires the Tar Sands as a great asset to Canada. Reality is that it is dirty oil and an environmental disaster. He can talk all he wants about being green, his words do not match his supposed convictions.

Iggy is driven by personal ambition and this seems to be the only motivating factor of his leadership. Iggy is for Iggy. Iggy said in his acceptance speech that Harper put the country on the back burner in November 2008 when he ignored the will of Parliament and saved his government contrary to the will of the majority of Parliament. Okay Iggy, why then did you prop up the Harper government come January 2009? And you have been doing that since then. Was this for Canada or was it for Iggy solely? Iggy your words don't match your actions and I hope you realize it and either take an exit or try being a leader with integrity. Moreover you and your cronies mistreated Stephane Dion and kept a big knife in his back for the duration of his leadership.

Finally, if Iggy is in it for his personal ambition only, then I hope that Igg's gig is soon over.


  1. Good & clear commentary. Was wondering where you've been the last few days. Missed you. ;)

  2. Okay Iggy, why then did you prop up the Harper government come January 2009? And you have been doing that since then. Was this for Canada or was it for Iggy solely? Iggy your words don't match your actions and I hope you realize it and either take an exit or try being a leader with integrity.Well said, LeDaro, and the photo-morph on this one is great . . . .

  3. Penlan, thank you. As I stated in my last post that I was on the road again. In Atlantic Canada’s backyard is Bay of Fundy or Fun-day and it is one of the wonders of the world. It is great to go on its shores and see the sea in all its glory.

    West End Bob, thank you for your comments. You know, lot of politicians have a degree in hypocrisy but Iggy has a bona fide Ph. D in it.

  4. Spot on observation Le Daro.

  5. Beijing York, thanks.

  6. So now we know that there 4 so-called Liberals who don't like the next great Prime Minister of Canada.

    Suck it up guys because the Liberal Party loves Iggy!!

  7. C-Nuck,

    You assume too much. A person can be a Liberal & not agree with absolutely everything. There are some things Ignatieff has said in which I'm in disagreement with but that does not mean I don't support the Party.

    Le Daro,
    I must have missed the post where you said you'd be on the road. Have had a lot going on in my life recently, some good some very bad, & haven't been catching everything. :)
