Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Great Misunderstanding

Whenever I get a little time, I walk on the city streets or through a park. There is always an interesting spectacle which is people walking with the illusion that they have their dog on a leash. I say it is an illusion because the opposite is true. It is the dog who decides when to stop, when to play with an electric pole or fire hydrant, whether to stop to smell something, whether to try to greet other people walking around or deciding on which trail to go on in the park. Even President Barack Obama and his family had that illusion when they brought Bo the dog to the Whitehouse, but Bo decided to tour the Whitehouse lawn in his own way and Obamas had no choice but comply.

So my fellow evolved (evolution) creatures, wake up and face the reality, it is the dog who has YOU on a leash and not the other way around.


  1. My dog considers me a reasonably well trained human, of this I have to doubt.

  2. No reason to doubt. As I said in my post that dogs are smart creature and for that reason I absolutely do not doubt the judgment of your dog.

  3. True enough, but dogs are more like democratically elected leaders (the kind we all should have!). Cats on the other hand, rule with an iron fist!

  4. Fish, good one. So we have a few cats in Ottawa these days who pounce at anyone who questions them.
