Sunday, May 17, 2009

Body Tattoos and Piercing

First of all this post is no advice or lecture. Just my personal opinion. Do we not abuse our bodies enough through eating fast food and other junk food? Do we really need to pierce it and tattoo it? Both of which may be poisoning it.

We only get one body, so why not be a little more respectful of it. I have done my part of abuse and probably will continue to do so but NEVER tattooing or piercing. I think that is too much. If there is a world hereafter then surely we are not going to take our bodies there. It is the soul/mind which escapes the physical body. So even if there is an eternity, this body is once and no more. What is beautiful about mutilating the body? Ladies and gentleman look at the picture. Now which body is more attractive? The one with tattoos or the one without.

The lady with tattoos is relatively young, imagine how she'll look when she gets old.


  1. I know how she's going to look when she's old. The same way she's going to look just ten years from now - all alone.

  2. True! The most likely scenario.

  3. I would dare to suggest that given the lifestyle option this young women has chosen(not to be too judgmental of course) she will not live long enough to get old.Just a guess.

  4. xtremeleafan, it is sad, isn't it. Suicidal almost.

  5. LeDaro,

    You can't say it's not a lecture, just your personal view, and then go off the deep end like this with the utterly unfounded personal judgments. Honestly, whatever happened to letting people live their lives as they chose? Just cause you don't understand what's going on don't mean it don't make no sense. And just cause you don't like it, don't mean it ain't no good.

    Given a choice between self-righteous conformists and tattooed freaks, I'll take the freaks every day. They're usually pretty happy folks. You should go talk to a few.

  6. ADHR, thank you for your comment. You will be surprised to know that I do associate with people who have tattoos. I also heard medical opinion of skin cancer and other skin problems caused by tattoos especially tattoos done at seedy places.

    Let me surprise you that I also believe that if drinking alcohol is legal then smoking marijuana should be legal too as it is less dangerous than alcohol. However I personally will never smoke. I do not smoke, period. I had long hair and was a bit of hippy but now I decided to cut back my hair. However, I have been a rebel and still am. Ok no more confessions.

    I am not judging them for their life style I am just talking about health risks.

  7. Yes, all things in moderation. What troubles me about tattoos is the age of those getting them. They seem not to appreciate the significance of permanently marking one's body. I lived for a while among Mauri descendents including some fairly heavily tattooed. It was quite a solemn thing for them, something of genuine meaning to them and their community.

    I loathe fads at the best of times but the trend of so much of this stuff today is faddish, passing whimsy.

    Age takes no prisoners and it makes no exceptions. Society is what it is, warts and all and I expect it will look down on the foolhardy, especially as they migrate through middle age.

  8. xtremeleafan and Mound, thank you for your comments. I agree. It is also known as self-destruct behaviour. Look at Michael Jackson. I understand he got his face/nose done many times over, another form of mutilation, and now story goes that he has serious skin problems.
    There are studies which show that dirty tattooing needles can kill/spread HIV-HEPATITIS among many other deadly skin diseases. Therefore caution and moderation is indeed essential.
