Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann - Special Comment on Torture

Keith Olbermann wants operatives from the Bush administration to be prosecuted. He has a point, but Obama has been put in a difficult situation, he is almost facing a revolt. First the despicable tea-bagging demonstrations which seem to have the backing of white supremacists, and now the Governor of Texas, Rick Perry, threatening to take his state out of the union. Obvious expressions of hatred towards a black President and also intimidation.

Obama is being put in a very difficult situation which amounts to torture of the President. What the Governor is saying is that you might have managed to get elected, but we will not let you govern. It does not look good, and Obama has to move very carefully.

I sincerely hope that the United States will not end up like the USSR in the early-1990s. The United States sure does not need rightwing nuts like Rick Perry. I never thought I would say this, but "God help America" and save it from characters like Rick Perry and associates such as Tom Delay.

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