Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Day in China

Stockwell Day has no problem visiting China now. Not long ago, he and his boss Harper were harping about the poor human rights record in China. Now, suddenly, it looks that the violation of rights slate has been wiped clean in order to increase trade with China. After all, China has over 1.5 billion population and is the largest country in the world by population. Also, it is a fast growing economy. For Harper and Day, now that there are hard economic times, it is time to set aside the human rights facade.

Who are they kidding? Does anyone believe that Harper and his underlings believe in human rights and that they are champions of human rights? It was some ego problem Harper had when he first ran into the Chinese leader. Yeah they are "spreading human rights in Afganistan" and if you believe that I will sell you the CN Tower. Sorry Flaherty is already selling that, so I will sell you Confederation Bridge which links New Brunswick and PEI.

Then of course when Harper was Right/Wrong Honourable leader of the opposition, he full-heartedly supported the Iraq war. That must be a record breaking human rights promotion, over 100,000 Iraqis killed and the mayhem has not ended yet. Then more recently Harper backed Israel to carry on murder and mayhem in Gaza. If they are champions of human rights, then who needs humanity. I suppose if the Tar Sands continue to develop at the current speed then Harper, and now Iggy, have contributed towards ending humanity. Yeah human rights in abundance – talking about charades.


  1. It's interesting, isn't it, that the Cons are now dropping what could have been said to be the one most consistent stance they've taken with respect to human rights abroad?

    Odd until you smell the money involved, of course. I suspect this is a desperate attempt to salvage some investment income before we succumb to the next phase of the recession.

  2. RevDave, thank you for your comment. Right on. Money and votes is the centre of the universe for many politicians.
