Thursday, April 09, 2009

American Idol: Simon Cowell

I once in a while watch American Idol because I like music and it is nice to see those fledgling stars. However, the Simon Cowell character gets to you after a while. Yes he plays a role but sometimes he overdoes it and puts down the contestants. The guy has too huge an ego. If there was an Oscar for a big ego, Simon Cowell will be hard to beat.


  1. Oh, that's clever!! Lol...

  2. Penlan, you will like the next picture better. Coming up.

  3. I like music too. But for me music is art, not a game show. (Un)Reality TV sucks.

  4. Oooh, can't wait for the next one LeDaro!

  5. Penlan, there was a little imperfection in this picture so next one is complete.

    Glen, I know what you mean but the young folks sometimes are good singers. It is also reflection of human struggle to succeed and excel.
