Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ryanair to charge for its washrooms

Rush Limbaugh has a new job selling diapers. Click here to read more.


  1. Anonymous2:28 pm

    And some fast foods will be charging for condiments. All this to please the bottom line. Whatever happened to decent profits for a good profit?
    The example that you site is a reason why the economy is so fucked - the never ending march for higher and and higher profits...

  2. The Walmart mentality that has swept the continent has basically lowered the bar of consumer expectations and encouraged obscene bottom line thinking.

    I hope there is a severe backlash and people start buying quality when needed as opposed to needless cheap goods and services. And frankly, a meal at a mom & pop diner or burger joint is more filling and cheaper than a Happy Meal.

  3. CWTF and BY I was also hitting on Limbaugh as he is full of it. However, no doubt that the profit motive has gone amuck and is source of many economic woes these days.

  4. Heh, bottom line :-) Now that's apropos.
