Monday, March 09, 2009

Barack Obama: It is lonely at the top

Media stories are that Obama's hair is rapidly greying. It is lonely up there. Economy in shambles and downward spiral continues. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Somewhat increased violence in Iraq. In Afghanistan violence never subsided and it is a different landscape both physically and socially. Seven years war has driven Al-Qaeda and Taliban into each others arms. There is no schism as is in Iraq of Sunnis and Shiites who could be used against each other. Al-Qaeda did not form any strong bond with either.

The list of problems goes on back on the home front for Obama. Health care, as people lose jobs and homes, is getting worse. He has inherited quite a mess. Unlike crazy Limbaugh, the rest of us have to wish Obama good luck because US survival depends on it and so does the global economy and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Poor guy. After such a long day, he doesn't even get to go home.
    Why are their so many wackos in the land of the free?
