Monday, February 16, 2009

A woman freaked out at Hong Kong Airport

The reason she freaked out, she missed her flight. She was lucky she was not handled by the RCMP, otherwise one jolt of taser and she would have taken off for the world hereafter.


  1. Just saw this on CNN. Hilarious.

  2. I'd have a few reservations about boarding any flight with a person who behaved that way for simply missing a flight.

    Should she even have been travelling unescorted.

  3. I'm bad. I laughed. Hard.

    But on a more serious note, where the hell are airport and/or airline staff? The two men try to calm her down were passengers.

    I have no idea why she was so desperate to get on her flight. I do know that air service has deteriorated horribly in the past 15 years. Airports are almost, if not more, stressful than flights themselves (and I say that as someone who can't stand flying anymore). The hub and spoke model adopted combined with "security" protocols, also makes people's time spent at airports increasingly long.

  4. After my security check at a Paris airport, I remember buying a very pointy miniature metallic Eiffel Tower and a cigarette lighter at the duty-free store. I carried them on the plane. The food, wine, and movies were great on the plane! I had no reason to demonstrate my use of an Eiffel Tower or cigarette lighter.

  5. Thanks folks for comments. I laughed when I saw this video.

    But then felt sad as I remembered Robert Dziekanski and his death at the Vancouver airport. I do not think Dziekanski was nearly as unruly as this woman at Hong Kong airport. I feel it was excessive use of force in Vancouver. His mother’s face tells it all. How painful it must have been for her and continues to be.

    SD, Sometimes inspectors could be very annoying at the airports but it helps to keep the cool. I think pointy Eiffel Tower and even any liquid is now no no, definitely not any liquid which is flammable.
