Monday, February 16, 2009

Obama: Welcome to Canada

Harper and Iggy are ready to welcome Obama to Canada. It will be interesting to see the very popular Obama with these two. Would they get any photo-op during Obama's short stay of 5 hours?


  1. Somehow I doubt that Harper would be in a photo op with the man who will succeed him as PM

  2. Big Winnie, I am not sure if Iggy will be the next PM.

    Anyway I was thinking of photo-op with Obama - even individually.

  3. You are correct, I don't think you will see the 3 of them together for the photo op but will see them have pictures taken individually with the President. Sorry for taking the pic out of context :(

    However, based on Ignatieff's willingness to reach out to the masses, discuss the issues, and answer the hard questions, I feel that he will beocme the next PM.

  4. You're probably right, however, I am very disappointed the way Iggy ignored coalition. Then his postition on Gaza is regrettable.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Here are some spots that Obama can do photo-ops:

    The Rideau Centre food court;
    By-ward farmers market;
    The Currency Museum;
    Skating down the Rideau Canal;
    Back to the the By-ward market--gnawing on some nice beavertails. That sugary thing is yummy!
    Finally, Obama can take a trip out to the Kanata Wave Pool.

  7. Big Winnie, I respectfully disagree with your assertion that Ignatieff's willingness to reach out to the masses, discuss the issues, and answer the hard questions, [and thus based on this context be destined to]... beocme the next PM.

    With the exception of the Bloc leader Duceppe who reaches the Que masses, the opposition leaders all have reached out to the masses, so that is no exceptionalism.
    As for discussing the issues, and answering the tough questions, well, I haven't seen him answer those tough questions. Eg. In discussion about Afghanistan his response to the tough question is that we are "lost." That's right, that's it, except for dressing up "lost" with other flowery speech.

    The libs basically propped up the Harper govt, again for the 50th time, and without asking the tough questions and even seriously looking at was in those ominous 500 pages, beyond a cursory glance, before supporting it. Beyond glib sound bites it was "lite."
    And I am with LeDaro, Iggy's Israel response was disgusting.

    And I know that this might be a con talking point but I agree, Iggy looked pretty petty and "please focus on me" with his constant complaining about "5 minutes" more with Obama.

    He could have seg-wayed to I need more time to discuss blah, blah, blah, but he didn't, and thus missed the opportunity to "connect with the masses and their issues", and thus expose himself to the media for "those tough questions." Instead, he whined and made it all about his feelings and his needs. That is my opinion.
