Friday, February 20, 2009

New York Post Cartoon was racist and morbid

This cartoon would be complete in its intent if Murdoch and editor were shown dancing and saying "he is dead, he is dead." Because this cartoon is not funny, it is plain morbid.

Only Rupert Murdoch's (or rather Rupert Murderhawk's) paper could have thought of that. First comparing an African-American President to a chimp and shot dead by two policemen. Are Murdoch and his fellow CONS sending subliminal messages? It is one of the most disgusting cartoons I've seen. If Murdoch has any brains he should fire both the editor and the cartoonist. But then he has whole bunch of them at Faux News who are not much different and who should be fired too. For example, Sean Hannity was palling around and doing business with Allen Stanford who committed fraud of $8 billion on the financial markets and was second only to Madoff.

This cartoon was racist and was not any different from the way some KKK members hang nooses from trees in southern states to remind blacks they can be hung there. I put this cartoon in the same league. Then what else can you expect from a Murdoch paper and TV News Network.


  1. Good to see that some action is being taken to confront this travesty. It took a little while for the MSM to take this seriously. Olbermann will have some more on this later.

  2. I think we all need to better understand the baggage that some words and images carry. Consider this interview with two young black women who were called monkeys by a white deacon who turned them away from church services in 1964.

    Just because we have free speech does not mean that frivolously causing offense to others is acceptable behavior. One should expect the editors of a major newspaper to have a better grasp of history than that shown by the Post. It is one thing to make an unfortunate word choice out of innocence, another to make it out of ignorance.

  3. Jymn, thank you. Yes there are ongoing demonstrations outside N.Y.Post office. I did watch Olbermann and he had some great stuff on the issue.

    Stephen Cobb, thank you for your comment and link. It is hurtful to watch the video that people can be so cruel to other people. I did some travelling in the southern part of US and it is still pretty bad some places.

    I do tell people that Jesus was born in the area where people are not white. He might have had very dark colour and curly hair and not long blond hair and blue eyes that images we are used to seeing in the west. Probably he would not be allowed in that church by that preacher in the video. Racism is indeed pure ignorance.
