Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jesus Christ and Prejudice

We in the West think that Jesus Christ had blond long hair and deep blue eyes. However, he was born in an area where people can be of very dark colour, especially 2000 years ago when different races were not so mixed. What if he was black with black eyes and black curly hair? Would he be allowed to immigrate to the US and for that matter to Canada? Would he be allowed in some all-white churches in the southern part of the US or would he be turned down? Would David Duke renounce him and segregate him? We are such creatures of beliefs and habits. And if someone tells us about the major falsehood in our beliefs we go ballistic and accuse that someone of blasphemy. We, as humans, commit horrific crimes based on those false beliefs.

The idea for this picture came to me after I saw the cartoon which was published in the New York Post showing two white policemen shooting a monkey dead. Only if we realize the falsehood of our beliefs, then maybe we will be living in a more peaceful world. The irony of all this is that all these prophets did not teach prejudice or hatred. So can we find a true believer anywhere in any religion. Fanatics yes, but true believers are hard to come by because that will be too much hard work and we will have to renounce most of our beliefs including prejudice i.e. all were created equal but some (we, whosoever that we may be) are more equal than others.

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