Friday, February 06, 2009

Benjamin Netanyahu: A loose canon literally?

Media reports suggest that Benjamin Netanyahu will win the February 10th election in Israel and become the new Prime Minister. This is bad news for Israel and for the rest of the region. Netanyahu is a right-wing nut who is trigger happy. He wants to expand Israeli settlements into Gaza and the West Bank and won't be looking for peace and compromise anytime soon. His other obsession is to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. He has been repeatedly advocating it and telling the US to forget about the economy and other woes, as Iran is a bigger problem according to him.

Can you visualize Netanyahu and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in that region dealing with each other? It gives one the creeps. Netanyahu bombing Iran and Ahmadinejad reacting to it could engulf the whole world in the perils of a devastating war. So much for Obama's diplomacy. US got rid of Bush and Cheney but Netanyahu and Ahmadinejad could be a bigger hurdle to world peace. They both could be characterized as fanatics. One wants to wipe out Iran from the map and the other wants to wipe out Israel from the map – mama mia where would that lead rest of the world. Gaza and Palestinian issues may become miniscule and ignored if all these flare-ups take place

One thing you have to give to Ahmadinejad is that he has invaded no one. On the other hand Israel is addicted to invasions, Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank, Syria and in the past Egypt and Jordan as well as bombing Iraq. And Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the major addicts of such gun slinging. We need more than Obama - maybe we need divine intervention (after all, all the prophets came from the Middle East). We need this divine intervention to have a meeting to bring these people together in a peace treaty.

Here is what the Arab World thinks of Netanyahu.

And here is what the rest of the World thinks of him.


  1. Anonymous1:58 pm

    Ahmadinejad has a few quotes that some will find out of character from Wiki:

    Ahmadinejad has denied allegations of Holocaust denial[193] and acknowledged that it seems the West is right in its claim of the Holocaust:
    "If the Europeans are telling the truth in their claim that they have killed six million Jews in the Holocaust during the World War II - which seems they are right in their claim because they insist on it and arrest and imprison those who oppose it, why the Palestinian nation should pay for the crime. Why have they come to the very heart of the Islamic world and are committing crimes against the dear Palestine using their bombs, rockets, missiles and sanctions.[194]
    Ahmadinejad has said he respects Jews and that "in Palestine there are Muslims, Christians and Jews who live together". He added, "We love everyone in the world - Jews, Christians, Muslims, non-Muslims, non-Jews, non-Christians... We are against occupation, aggression, killings and displacing people - otherwise we have no problem with ordinary people." [21] Ahmadinejad has further said the Jewish community in Iran has its own independent member of parliament. Ahmadinejad has argued Zionists are "neither Jews nor Christians nor Muslims", and has asked "How can you possibly be religious and occupy the land of other people?"

    Closer to home, Netanyahu tried to speak at Concordia U. and caused riots. The organizers (HIllel Jewish group), got what they wanted - I wonder how the organizers would have felt if we let other war criminals into the country to speak....

    Netanyahu believes in "ethic cleansing", deportation and murder.

  2. CWTF, thank you. After reading these quotes of Ahmadinejad, you gave here, he looks much more sensible person than Nutyahoo. God help us if he becomes Prime Minister of Israel.

    Of course our Western media paints Ahmadinejad as a monster.

  3. Sorry not James Curran, Penlan.

  4. C-Nuck, you're really making fool of yourself. I have extremists from the other side come on my blog and sometimes I have deleted their comments. You’re extremist from the opposite side and so far I have treated you well. However if you keep up your nonsense then I will have to delete your comments in future.

    Since I do not allow extremists on the other side I will not allow extremists like you from your side.

    I do not judge people by their colour or religious creed but by their behaviour. Your behaviour is immature and despicable. You are earning no friend for Liberal Party or Israel.

    Go check this post of mine:

    I do not even respond to extremists from the other side.

  5. LeDaro:

    You must be so proud of the thoughtful comment that your posts attract.

  6. C-Nuck, if you have brains you will understand that you're making no friends for Liberal party or Israel.

    I have kept your comments so that people can see that you're making fool of yourself.

  7. PaleoAnarchist, I delete your comments because you are an extremist.

    I support the cause of Palestinians and condemn the slaughter by Israel. I am against wars, period. But you're full of hatred therefore bye, bye, sir.

    Don't post anymore because I will delete your comments.

  8. C-Nuck, yes I attract fools like you.

  9. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Ahh C-Nuck please point out where I have lied?

    You have been asked this repeatedly but never produce.

    The Liberal party has taken to sucking IDF propaganda - gone are the days of being an honest broker. The blowback will be amusing...
    The Liberals have become something of a joke as so-called progressive. They really do look like Conservatives...

    Under Bibi illegal settlements have increased.
    Bibi himself has added:
    etanyahu reiterated that he would not remain committed to any agreement by outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert regarding the evacuation of Jewish settlers in the West Bank, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported.

    "I will not keep Olmert's commitments to withdraw and I won't evacuate settlements. Those understandings are invalid and unimportant," he said.

    Israel occupied the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the 1967 war. More than 285,000 Jews currently live in the Jewish settlements which are considered as illegal by the international community.
    He told Tony Blair recently that while his government would not build new settlements, they would not impede the expansion of existing ones. This comes as Peace Now, an Israeli group, released a report showing that construction of illegal settlements in the West Bank jumped by 60 percent in 2008. Netanyahu suggested this week that the Israeli Defense Forces left Gaza without finishing the job and reiterated his strong opposition to dividing Jerusalem, stating that it would create "an Iranian base" in the heart of Israel.

    So for all your polemic C-nuck, LeDaro is correct...

    Please go cry to James Curran and Penlan - somehow I think that both of them are much more neutral than fucknuts and "I'm a lawyer" Cherniak...

    PrimitiveAnarchist - I don't think these were "Pro-Hamas" demonstrations as much as for decency...

  10. LeDaro:

    I have worked for and been a member of the Liberal Party for over two decades.

    I go door to door for the Party, raise money for it, contribute to it and participate in policy and national conventions.

    The Liberal Party is my extended family. I supported all of our leaders and have never been referred to as any sort of an extremist at any Party forum. My views are mainstream in the Liberal Party.

    I think it is you and WTF who advance an extreme position and that is why you are not comfortable in the Liberal Party.

    Why you post your blog on a site for Liberal party bloggers is beyond me. You would be so much more at home in the NDP

  11. WTF:

    Here is one example:

    "Netanyahu believes in "ethic cleansing", deportation and murder."

    Extreme rhetoric. No basis in fact.

    You might not like Netanyahu's politics but he has never advanced deportation, cleansing or murder.

    You try with your hyperbole to incite others.

    Doesn't work and shows that you are a liar.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. PaleoAnarchist, what you're doing now is harrassment. Do this stuff on your own blog.

    You need help.

  14. Anonymous6:54 pm

    My views are mainstream in the Liberal Party.
    That does not mean they are Progressive or have not been shaped by the "braintrust"...

    As for Bibi
    Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday branded as "legitimate" rival prime ministerial candidate Avigdor Lieberman's electoral campaign against Israeli Arabs.

    Or this:
    Bibi? I believe him

    By Nehemia Shtrasler

    Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu

    Kadima's campaign advertisements harp on the credibility of Benjamin Netanyahu. They remind us of past instances when Netanyahu either did not speak accurately or did not tell the truth. "Bibi, I don't believe him," the ads say, but I actually do believe him.

    I believe him because Netanyahu possesses an organized set of beliefs in both the foreign policy and the economic arenas. So one can catch him making inaccurate statements. That is not the point. His ideology is the key, and it is frightening and dangerous.

    Netanyahu has never accepted the principle of "two states for two peoples." He does not believe in a negotiated solution to the conflict. He has no desire for any talks with the Palestinians. He is opposed to disengagement and he is opposed to withdrawal. He is seeking "might and not weakness," "war and not ingratiation." He is looking for force, and we know that when force doesn't work, use more force.

    Bibi has no intention of relinquishing one square millimeter of West Bank land. He wants to do just the opposite, "to annex as much of the open space as possible," something like 50 percent, and to grant limited autonomy to certain towns and densely populated areas because he believes that any land that is evacuated will become a base from which radical Islam can operate against us. Every concession will play into the hands of Iran and Hamas. If we withdraw from the West Bank, Netanyahu says, missiles will threaten Ben-Gurion International Airport. And so Israeli settlements must be expanded, not evacuated, and of course we must retain the Jordan Valley as a security zone in the east.

    Instead of peace and normal trade relations, Netanyahu is proposing "economic peace." This is a plan that could only be proposed by someone who views the Palestinians as an inferior race, creatures devoid of self-respect, who in exchange for a few factories along the border (where they will be put to work by Israeli effendis) will agree to abandon their national aspirations and be grateful to the enlightened occupier. Netanyahu wants us to believe this utter nonsense.

    Netanyahu is consistent in these positions. He has never believed in a peace agreement. He opposed the Oslo Accords as a Knesset member and he smashed it to pieces as prime minister. He opened the Western Wall tunnel in Jerusalem immediately after he was elected prime minister in 1996, ushering in bloodshed on the West Bank and an end to the relations that were built with Yasser Arafat. He embarrassed and humiliated the Palestinian leader and failed to uphold Israel's part of the agreement, thus destroying any chance of an agreement.

    It is this policy that he seeks to continue now, with the assistance of his natural allies: Avigdor Lieberman and Eli Yishai. This policy will inevitably lead to a clash with the American administration, as it is clear to all that President Barack Obama is not George W. Bush. Obama will not agree to a continuation of the policy of occupation and oppression that jeopardizes the peace of the entire world. A confrontation is inevitable, and its results will be harsh for Israel.

    Netanyahu also has no intention of withdrawing from the Golan Heights. "I will not withdraw from the Golan in exchange for a piece of paper, particularly when there is complete calm there," he said.

    It is hard to understand how somebody who fancies himself a statesman does not comprehend that we are talking about a deafening calm. Bashar Assad is waging a war of attrition against us through the support and arms he provides to Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The Syrian president is not acting directly against us on the Golan but he has thousands of advanced missiles targeting every point on the Israeli map. The calm to which Netanyahu alludes is reminiscent of statements made by Golda Meir and by Moshe Dayan on the eve of the Yom Kippur War to the effect that our situation was never better, quiet reigns on the border and there is no chance of an attack. And then came October 6, 1973.

    In his remarks at the Herzliya Conference this week Netanyahu said Israel halted the Gaza operation too soon and should have liquidated the Hamas regime in Gaza. After all, we are experts at liquidation. In 1987 Likud liquidated the Peres-Hussein London Agreement, which would have handed control of the West Bank over to Jordan's King Hussein - a solution that any right-thinking person longs for today. In its stead, we got Yasser Arafat, with whom an agreement could have been reached, but Netanyahu chose to liquidate this option as well. Instead of Arafat, we got Hamas, and after Netanyahu "liquidates" it as well, we will get Islamic Jihad and, after that, Al-Qaida. Out of desperation, extremism is on the rise and the walls of hatred are high on both sides.

    The vision of Netanyahu, Benny Begin, and Reuven Rivlin is one of hatred and blood. It will lead us from war to war, from intifada to intifada, from crisis to crisis. As such, the economy will not be able to flourish and society will not be able to heal its ills. All resources will go to the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet security service. Investors flee from such a country, as do youth, who will seek their future overseas. The world will boycott us and the economy will regress.

    It is true that Egypt has thus far abided by the peace agreement, as has Jordan. But who can guarantee that this will be the case forever? The continuing occupation and oppression are liable to one day lead the entire Arab world to unite against us. And who can guarantee us that we will win that war? And if so, what will happen afterward? And after the next war? The loss of just one war would be sufficient to liquidate the Third Jewish Commonwealth.

    It's odd how a humanitarian position is considered "extreme". The Liberals are no longer progressive.

  15. WTF:
    You post a journalist's opinion piece and this becomes the basis/justification of your charge that Bibi is a muderer???

    Is it any wonder that Liberals are thankfull that you no longer consider yourself a member of the Liberal Party.

  16. C-Nuck, anyone who thinks that Bibi is a great leader is extremist in my book. Even the US administrations have been worried about this guy. I do not think even George Bush Sr. thought very highly of this rightwing nut.

  17. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Bibi is a right-wing ideologue. He enthusiastically supports all IDF actions.
    For three crimes of Gaza, and the fourth no response said Amos (prophet of the Hebrew Bible). On firing on our civilians, on hiding behind civilians, on causing pain and suffering on our civilian and their civilians, we will return upon the murderer's regime tenfold.

    On the call to annihilate us, on the dancing on the ruins of our villages, on the poisoning of minds and hearts, on the destroying of hopes, we will retaliate heavy handedly, the hand of Israel, as the prophet Amos said: "and I shall send fires onto the walls of Gaza"

    There isn't a nation in the world who would have acted differently. No people who would have restrained itself so long, too long.

    He's a blood thirsty murderer.

  18. Actually George W Bush refused to meet with Bibi in 2008.

    "Sources in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Kadima party quoted in the report offered this explanation: “At the White House, they think [Mr. Netanyahu] is a liar because of his behavior when he was prime minister.”

  19. PaleoAnarchist, you need to read a book or two on "how to influence people". Right now you're making an ass of yourself and it is fun to delete your comments.

  20. LeDaro:

    At no point did I say write that Bibi was a "great leader".
    I took issue with WTF characterizing him a muderer.

    Don't put words in my mouth. They only serve to diminish your credibility.

  21. C-Nuck, do you pay guys like PaleoAnarchist who play anti-Semitic and behave like complete asses so that people will be turned off by such freaks. If that is the case then you're doing a good job. Because this guy is proving that anti-semitic are real asses.

    I was deleting that moron's comments and probably I might have deleted one of yours by mistake where I clearly understood that you do think highly of Bibi.

  22. Ledaro:

    Nice try, get caught in a lie and then make up more stuff to try and cover.

    I am a strong supporter of Israel, I happen to support be fond of Israel's Labour Party.

    I don't support Bibi but I also don't engage in frivilous hyperbole and polemic.

    If you think that I pay PaleoAnarchist to blog you are truly in full fantasy mode. Have you taken a look at his site and the obsence venom which he spews?

  23. C-Nuck, no I did not check his blog because I got enough nonsense here from him.

    I did delete one of your posts by mistake. Too bad. Even on MoS blog you wrote this:

    "C-Nuck said...
    Bibi pulled Israeli settlers out of a big chunk of Hebron. He also signed the Wye agreement.

    Likud Prime Ministers are the ones who sign peace treaties.

    Bibi may surprise."

    Are you not praising him? You're caught in a lie, friend.

  24. "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq. These events swung American public opinion in our favor"
    — Benjamin Netanyahu

    This is what he said. The guy is crazy and he must be exposed. He is promoting violence to get his way. Very cold-blooded. It is not "hyperbole and polemic" but truth about the nut.

  25. Where in that quote is the promotioon of violence?

    It is a statement that Americans have now been subjected to the same type of terrorism that Israelis have endured and that there was now an understanding of that shared tragic experience anmongst Americans and Israelis.
    There is no "promotion of violence"

    What utter nonesense.

    Why don't you provide the entire quote?

  26. "Benefiting,” sounds pretty nasty.

    I thought you were more sensible than that. It is a cold-blooded statement that it is a good thing that such a violence took place and is taking place and Israel is “benefiting”. Come on now. Now you know why I agree with CWTF. He is right on. You’re a defender of that crazy man Bibi. What do you mean when you say, "I don't support Bibi". Make up your mind. Like PaleoAnarchist you need help.

    Why do you not provide the whole statement to prove your point?

  27. LeDaro:

    If I could find the quote I would attach it here.

    My search on the web does not provide an adequate source for what you attribute to Bibi.

    You are entitled to your interpretation of Bibi's suppposed quote. However, I for one, do not believe for a minute that Bibi took any pleasure in the tragedy of 9-111 when Islamic radicals flew planes into the twin towers and pentagon and killed thousands of innocent people.

  28. LeDaro:

    In case you missed my earlier post, I am not a Bibi supporter. I much prefer Israel's Labour Party.

    I do recognize that Bibi signed both the Wrye Agreement and Hebron Agreement.

  29. PaleoAnarchist, look jerk, either you're a KKK ( as you love David Duke)or you're pretending to be an anti-zoinist so that people hate anti-zionists for their disgusting behaviour. In any case you're an ass.

  30. C-Nuck you keep contradicting yourself. You do not support Netanyahu but you used this whole thread to defend him.

    Even Bush W. thought Netanyahu was a liar and refused to meet with him in 2008. Netanyahu clearly said that attacks on US are "good" for Israel. Is he going to arrange an attack on US to get that effect? Amazing. The man is plain crazy.

    Other recent presidents have been leery of this man.

  31. Anonymous9:33 am

    c-nuck, Bibi is a murderer.

    On September 25, 1997, Mashal was the target of an assassination attempt carried out by the Israeli Mossad under orders from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his security cabinet. Ten Mossad agents carrying Canadian passports entered Jordan, where Mashal was living. They broke into a home where he was sleeping and then applied a deadly poison to his neck. At the time of the assassination attempt Mashal was considered Hamas' Jordanian branch chief. He told Third Way Magazine: "Israeli threats have one of two effects: some people are intimidated, but others become more defiant and determined. I am one of the latter."

    Jordanian authorities discovered the assassination attempt and arrested two Mossad agents who had engaged in the attempt. Jordan's King Hussein then demanded that Benjamin Netanyahu turn over the poison antidote, and at first Netanyahu refused. As the incident began to grow in political significance, however, American President Bill Clinton intervened and forced Netanyahu to turn over the antidote.

    Anyone who approves of targeted assassinations is a murderer. I like the fact that Mossad is using Canadian passports....

    I love the "relativism" that you have regarding Israel....

  32. Anonymous11:18 am

    LeDaro, it seems that IDF apologist and all around twat has taken offence with your quote:
    ""We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq. These events swung American public opinion in our favor"
    — Benjamin Netanyahu "

    shlemazl (sound like the runoff from between his mother's legs), is claiming that the quote is fake and comes from "neo-nazis".

    Maybe you should point him over to
    The Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on Wednesday reported that Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience at Bar Ilan university that the September 11, 2001 terror attacks had been beneficial for Israel.

    "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."

    Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.

    Bibi is still a murderous thug and the boobing tories are more idiotic than most Liberals....

    Enjoy the traffic (if you get any). I really wish we could open up a few camps for the burning stupid....

  33. Cherniak_WTF, thank you friend for bringing this to my attention. I do not allow neo-Nazis type to leave comments on my blog. I have been constantly deleting them. On the other hand I have allowed fanatics from the other side to continue to comment here. Shlemazl better continue to hide between his mama's legs.

    And also thanks for providing the context in which Bibi made this booboo. The guy is absolutely crazy.

  34. Cherniak_WTF, it looks shlemazl turkey has removed that post. I cannot find it.

  35. Anonymous12:35 pm

    LeDaro, it's funny how shlemazl would accuse you of misquoting Bibi, call you a neo-nazi on his blog.

    Here is what he wrote:
    ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 07, 2009
    How To Tell a "LiberalONLINE" from a Neo Nazi?
    What do you call someone who spreads false 9/11 quotes, supposedly by prominent Jews? And if these quotes are sourced from someone who hates Anne Frank? And worships Hitler? And whose favourite book is "Mein Kampf"?

    You call him "LeDaro", a "Progressive", "LiberalONLINE" blogger from Canada.

    Like the other day LeDaro comments:

    "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq. These events swung American public opinion in our favor"
    — Benjamin Netanyahu

    This is what he said. The guy is crazy and he must be exposed. He is promoting violence to get his way. Very cold-blooded. It is not "hyperbole and polemic" but truth about the nut.
    # posted by LeDaro : 9:17 PM

    Netanyahu's "quote" is of course fake. It's neo-nazi libel. Sourced from You can post any "quote" you like on that website. This particular one was posted by someone named "Rusty" here. Rusty kindly provided a few book reviews. He only gave one star to Anne Frank's diary. Mein Kampf on the other hand received all 5 stars from "Rusty". There is more - check out yourself: here

    Oh, and don't you just love how LeDaro compares Netanyahu to Ahmadinejad? Naturally, he much prefers the Holocaust-denying, genocide dreamer to the Israeli politician.

    If you have stomach for it, you can also check out LeDaro's "satire" [health warning: disgusting, tasteless and stinks of Nazi propaganda].

    Rather strong stuff.
    When I pointed out that the quote from Bibi was legitimate, he removed the blog post instead of debating.

    IDF defenders are no better than Neo-Nazis. They both lie and distort.

    Shlemazl is disgusting and a coward.

  36. Cherniak_WTF, thank you friend. You're a true friend.

    Now Shlemazl/pretzel's friend "I am a lawyer" should tell him who is committing libel here. You're quite right they're behaving as bad, if not worse, as neo-Nazis.
