Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Barack Obama will make a stopover in Canada

Poor Harper, he was expecting a lot of fanfare and ceremony during the visit of the very popular US President Barack Obama, but Harper is not going to get it. It looks that Obama does not want to give Harper much publicity or credibility. He will be in Ottawa for a short time and fly back the same day. Maybe Iggy will get to meet him, or maybe not. It looks like a snub.


  1. I think it may be more a factor that there are things happening in the world that the "Leader of the Free World" has to attend to and in order to make the gesture of visiting Canada first, a short trip was fitted into his schedule.

    These are times when being stable friendly may make us less of a priority.

  2. Rww,

    I think you may have a point. However, there are a few reasons that Obama is visiting Canada which includes the War in Afghanistan (he doesn't want to lose Canada's support), and the fact that Canada is the US's biggest trading partner.

    Nonetheless, the Obama people have not forgotten the Harper government's efforts to scuffle his Presidential campaign on the issue of NAFTA. The Harper government really wanted a Republican to win the election.

    Ideologically Harper and Obama are far apart from each other.

  3. Just sseing the contrast in styles between the 2 is proof to where their priorities lie.

    Obama is actively attempting to get the American economy moving whereas Harper is too busy going to photo ops. No wonder I have no respect for the current regime.
