Thursday, February 05, 2009

Barack Obama: Is the honeymoon over?

The first week was pure honeymoon. However, the Oval Office has its burdens which can stifle that honeymoon real fast. First, he had problems with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner's confirmation as Geithner had failed to pay certain taxes.

Then along came the Nancy Killefer nomination for the federal government's chief performance officer. She had to withdraw from consideration for similar reasons. Then there was Tom Daschle who had too many free rides (without paying taxes) and he had to withdraw from the consideration as Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Obama's $900-billion stimulus package has been having rough ride in the Senate and may not pass as Obama wants it. Of course there are also the quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan inherited from Bush. Newsweek called Afghanistan the Vietnam of Obama. It is a place where empires meet their grim reaper.

Second week is not going so well, so Obama is a little unhappy. I wish him all the best because so many have so much riding on his Presidency, both in the US and around the world.


  1. Anonymous4:00 pm

    Well at least Obama seems to be honest and is sticking to his promises. So bad weeds are being ousted - good.

  2. Cherniak_WTF, I agree. He is having a little rough week. This picture was for fun.
    In the long run it is hoped that he will succeed.
    Tom Daschle would have made a great Secretary of Health. Too bad he got caught in the whirl of events.
