Monday, January 19, 2009

Michael Ignatieff, Stephen Harper and Their Buddy

Is there any difference? Do you see any difference in these like-minded creatures?

It all started with that jerk Ezra Levant, he maligned many Liberal bloggers as "anti-Semetic" and "anti-Israel" just because they were expressing their horrors at the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. This upset me too much. Then, I started reading more about the situation in the Middle East, it upset me even more.

After that, some good bloggers were kicked off Liblogs because they also expressed horror about the slaughter. I protested the expulsion... and then I was expelled. I became even more upset and read more about the situation in the Middle East. I came to realize that real crimes were being committed there by the Israeli government, both currently and in the past. That is when I started devoting my blog more and more to the Gaza tragedy.

Then of course I heard the speeches from the two British MPs. One Jewish MP, Gerald Kaufman who said that Israel was acting like Nazis in Gaza, and George Galloway who expressed grave concern over this slaughter as well. All this became more and more upsetting to me, that the World is allowing this tragedy and that the gutless and spineless Bush, Harper and Ignatieff are unconditionally supporting this. Hey World, your conscience had better bother you. MPs Galloway and Kaufman are saying it like it is.

I have no respect left for Harper and Ignatieff. Especially Ignatieff disappointed me the most because I expected better from him. He turned out to be a complete pinhead who is in total disconnect from reality.

What really unnerved me was when I heard the story of Palestinian Dr. Izz el-Deen Aboul Aish who worked for Israeli hospitals. His daughters were slaughtered in his house when Israelis dropped one of their bombs. Here is his story:

So fellow bloggers, and whosoever else is reading this blog, please tell me if there is any doubt left that the Israeli government is committing crimes against humanity.

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