Saturday, January 17, 2009

Liberal Party of Canada: Its Current Face

This picture is partially for the rude guy who visited my blog and insulted all my visitors. It is people like him who are poisonous for the Liberal Party, they are like the skunk people run away from. He claims to support Warren Kinsella and definitely earned no friends for Kinsella in the process.

Kinsella has become a very divisive force in Liberal Party. I do not know what kind of advice he is giving to Ignatieff, as the appointed Liberal leader is now giving unconditional support to the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel. Kinsella sure sounds like Karl Rove or his drone.

You may ask why I have included Ezra Levant among these cone-heads. He might as well join Liberal Party now because he will meet many of his fellow neo-cons there. The amount of cheering and commendations Ignatieff has received from the National Com.Post through their Op.Ed. is obvious.

Ignatieff says that he supports the Israeli Defence Force's (IDF's) slaughter of Palestinians because Israel is a democratic country. It is no longer democratic country. A sizable section of its population has been disenfranchised. All the Arab parties have been banned from participating in the elections. Is that the new standard for a democratic society? Go call me anti-Israel if you want, but in its current status and under its current leadership, it has become a rogue state.

Moreover, successive US administrations have turned Israel into very dangerous Frankenstein by arming it to the teeth with all kind of WMDs. Iraq was destroyed because of the lies of Bush that it had WMDs, but meanwhile Israel is equipped with all kinds of WMDs. This is the worst international crime by the Bush administration and worst kind of hypocrisy. Israel has been routinely killing its neighbours at will. In 2006, thousands of Lebanese were killed, and now Palestinians in Gaza. Is that a democracy? Absolutely not.

Finally Ignatieff may call himself the leader of the Liberal Party but I cannot accept him as a leader. He must go back to his Ivy league university and teach there and please do not teach in a Canadian university because they are relatively progressive, at least the ones I attended in Ontario.


  1. Thumbs up!!
    The more I read the stories coming from GAZA, the more upset and distressed I am about my country's response and ignorance of severe human suffering.

  2. Oemissions, same here.

  3. Are you even remotely aware that there is a lawsuit by Kinsella against Levant? Or do these details even matter? Amusing.

  4. Yes, Chretien and Martin had differences but they are Liberals.

    Kinsella may be suing Levant (I do not know why) but they do share similar views on Israel. For me they are both neo-cons or their brand of neo-Liberals.

  5. John Larocque, by the way how many court cases Kinsella has on the go.

    And he still has time to run the war room of Iggy. Amazing.

  6. I have also had problems supporting Iggy the Iggiot. When Dion was the leader and when Garth still had his seat I was willing too support the Liberal Party. When Iggy to the reins of power, I was still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but with this unquestioning support of the Israel Gov and mil actions I have to question my continuing support for the liberals.

  7. Geez, we hadn't noticed. You spend your time with daily rants against Ignatieff, Liberals, etc.

    In fact, it's become an obsession.

    Olmert now declares a cease fire (interesting time now that Bush is leaving and Obama is soon to take his oath) - what does Hamas say? They say they're still going to send rockets into Israel.

    This thing will never end.

  8. Yeah right, cease fire after killing over thousand civilian and continue bombing residential areas. Does not fool me.

    Zorpheous, thanks. Iggy is one big cone-head.

  9. Head and heart in the rural sand(i):
    This has been about human suffering.
    Turning an eye,ear, and aorta to it.

  10. "sand(i):"

    Love it.

  11. Well, wasn't that just impressive kiddies.

    Fact is - I've never ever written about which way I am on the Gaza issue - so don't speak for me, please.

    At the time I said Israel plans a cease fire and the stupid Hamas decide they want to keep sending over rockets.

    Now, apparently, there's a 10 day cease fire agreement.

    The point I was trying to make was that it will never stop from either side.

    Keep up the kiddie stuff - LOL

  12. RuralSandi, read my more recent post on ceasefire.

    No one, with any sense of right and wrong, buys this hoax of unilateral ceasefire. How can you be so heartless? Watch two videos under this post - speeches by two UK MP's. One of the MP's is Jewish.

  13. Rural Sandi: my concern is human suffering and to defend Ledaro for his exposing posts.
    Do visit Montreal Simon as well.
    Our politicians were quick to speak out about listeria and the newspapers carried stories front,back and centre page.
    Thanks to progressive bloggers, we are seeing what needs to be seen, and people saying what needs to be said.
    Asalam Aleikhum !and Shalomn.!

  14. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Now, apparently, there's a 10 day cease fire agreement.
    Widely predicted to coincide with Obama's ignauguration ...

    Me thinks you have a little stiffy for Iggy...
