Friday, January 09, 2009

Jason Cherniak and Liblogs

Jason Cherniak and his gang have done extraordinary damage to the Liberal Party. While I understand that Liblogs is not officially affiliated, it is the main public face of the party in the blogosphere and Liberal Party announcements do appear on the aggregate.

Cherniak has been palling around with his close buddies Kelly McParland and Ezra Levant, they are well known to be despicable neo-cons. Cherniak is anything but liberal. The way he posted his ideological rants on the top of Liblogs, quite frankly promoting violence in Gaza, I doubt that Cherniak and his neo-con cronies are even human. They have no sense of humanity or compassion. They do not care about those who are suffering and being killed, but rather want to promote and encourage such inhumanity.

Is the Liberal Party not catching on to the damage Cherniak (in collaberation with McParland and Levant) are doing to the party? If these are the Liberal Party's advocates, then the Liberals are doomed. Maybe it's time to start a new Reform Party out of the ashes of this ruined Liberal Party, that would be more in line with the views of the Cherniak-McParland-Levant troika.

I am also shocked to know that one of the best writers and bloggers in the blogosphere, Mound of Sound, has been removed from Liblogs because he didn't share Cherniak's love and support of slaughter and death. How outrageous will Cherniak and his his fanatic cronies get? It is ironic that Cherniak had to be pushed repeatedly to remove a blogger who was far from Liberal, and who was making baseless slanders about Barack Obama, but when it comes to Cherniak's own twisted ideology, he wastes no time in censoring and kicking off bloggers.

Finally, if the Liberal Party does not realize how much damage these people - and whoever is advising Ignatieff on Israel - are doing, then in my book the party is done and Ignatieff is no leader.


  1. Seems like our Leader, Michael Ignatieff shares Cherniak's views of Gaza more then he shares yours.

  2. Good for you Doctor Death. Then go and lick Iggy's ass what are you doing here.

  3. Profound words.

    They say alot about you.

  4. Anonymous4:51 pm

    I am also shocked to know that one of the best writers and bloggers in the blogosphere, Mound of Sound, has been removed from Liblogs because he didn't share Cherniak's love and support of slaughter and death. How outrageous will Cherniak and his his fanatic cronies get?
    I took up the mandle of Cherniak_WTF when Jason Cherniak has a little woody during the Israel/Lebanon conflict.
    It seems that JC is blinded by his love of Israel - it trumps all logic and common sense.
    It's funny how those on the right blame "Islamo-Fascists" as evil incarnate and blood thirsty terrorist in the name of religion.
    Well, in Canada we have our own "Islamo-Fascist" and that would be the Pro-Isreali lobby.

    When innocents were murdered at a UN refuge, JC could only say "so that's that"... Apart from being callous, it shows just how much JC thinks of Palestinians has human beings. I'm sure his hypocrisy would have known no bounds if it were Jews being killed...

    The Liberals in this country once were honest brokers in international affairs - the slow infiltration of neo-cons politics with the dumbing down of the message means that we are somehow supposed to "take sides".

    Iggy has firmly planted his mouth around bunghole of Israeli propaganda and blindly spews ignorance.

    Iggy is being applauded by those on the right and pro-Israeli Canadians, that should be enough to set warning bells...
    Anyone with genuine and credible criticisms are being push aside, not unlike criticisms of the Iraq farce...

    There will be a "I told you so" moment but by then it will be too late.

  5. "Anyone with genuine and credible criticisms are being push aside."

    Ok, I'll bite. Who? How?

  6. Anonymous5:29 pm

    Ok, I'll bite. Who? How?
    Only because we have similar reading taste....

    Mound of Sound for one.
    LeDaro another
    James Curran..

  7. I thought you were talking about the Liberal Party pushing people aside. Who has the Liberal Party pushed aside and how?

    Surely you were not actually suggesting that the Liberal Party of Canada is this awful fascist organization because one or two blogs are not being displayed on a privately developed blog aggregator? I'm really thinking that can't possibly be what you meant.

    (And when was Jim pushed aside by anyone?)

  8. Ted, give up. You did not think that Cherniak WTF was talking about Liberal Party you assumed. You know what they say about those who assume. Is this your full time job to go to different blogs and bug people. You and Doctor Death -the clones of Cherniak or may be Cherniak is posting under different names.

  9. I just noticed that Cherniak has removed my post on Vatican statement. Now did the picture of Catholic Church bothered him. Go figure.

  10. Anonymous11:57 pm

    Cherniak will likely say that the pope is a Nazi who killed Jews as his reason....

  11. Mound demanded in a blog post to be removed from Liblogs. So that's hardly a case of involuntary removal or censorship.

    You can criticize all you want, but at least have the decency to be truthful in your statements, because saying that Mound was removed against his will is a bald-faced lie.

  12. Werner Patels, you need help. Then Red Tory demanded it too, because he said the same thing that if ‘little Cherniak’ disagrees with him then he can remove him from the aggregate. I was removed too. Who is bald-faced liar and dishonest person here. You are.
