Thursday, January 08, 2009

Gaza: Good people around the world are against this bloodshed

There are too many pictures to put in one composite because it exceeds the limit of what I can post in terms of size.

Fair-minded people around the world are against the current slaughter in Gaza by Israel. These protestors come from all ethnic groups, cultures, religions and regions of the World, and includes residents of Israel. Not all Israelis like the violence carried out by their government. These protestors are Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and list goes on. At least fanatics cannot blame them for being anti-Semitic.

Talking about fanatics, there is a long list starting with Jason Cherniak, and his idols Kelly McParland and Ezra Levant of the National Compost. And do you know who are the idols of Kelly McParland and Ezra Levant? Stephen Harper and George W. Bush. Where does the Liberal Party stand on this because Jason Cherniak's close associates are neo-cons. If Liblog speaks for the Liberal Party then I wish the Liberal Party good luck. So many Libbloggers have been attacked by these fanatics. The Liberal Party better watch out. I am personally considering to sever my ties with the Liberal Party if fanatics like Cherniak are its supporters, but I doubt that the main operators of the Liberal Party know this man yet.

I am not the only one who has been attacked by these fanatics. Many other good Liberal bloggers are attacked too. One of the best bloggers on the net is Mound of Sound and he has been attacked by fanatic Ezra Levant, check out this post of his. The man does not have the courage to name names but he uses "here," "here" and "here" to link to MoS and others who are "bad people" and "anti-Semitic" according to his fanactic thinking.

Let me tell you how close Cherniak is to these fanatics. He brags that he removed his hyperbole from the top of the Liblogs because his idol Kelly MacParland has posted the same on National Compost.

Yesterday Cherniak's sycophants tried to intimidate and harass me on my blog. Anything to muzzle me. One pretended to be "The Doctor" and another "Ted" being a lawyer. You have to see their comments here and posts following my blog.

The Doctor probably practices voodoo medicine and Ted the lawyer will not understand law if it hit him on his head.

Another interesting thing I found out is that Cherniak admitted that he has deleted my previous anti-war posts from Liblogs. I am not always on the Liblogs aggregator so I did not know. Shouldn't the man have a moral duty to tell me if he censored me? Cherniak is not only a fanatic, but also immoral to carry out censorship in this manner.

If Liblogs is his, then the Liberal Party should be careful because this man single-handidly is doing too much damage to its cause. If Liblogs wishes to survive, then they should show the door to this fanatic Cherniak.

Update: The latest news is that rockets have been fired from Lebanon, and Israel has responded by aerial attacks. Where will it stop? The war is expanding and it is a danger to World peace. I hope the main sponsors of Israel, for instance the United States, will put pressure on Israel to stop this madness.


  1. Hi LeDaro,

    I just did a post on the Lebanon rocket attacks if you want to take a look.

  2. Penlan, thank you. You have a great post. Very well stated.

    I wanted to leave a comment but I could not. I kept getting the prompt that my comment was a spam. So I gave up. I like this format better for comments where anyone registered with google can post a comment.

  3. Just went to McParland's post & you should see the comments there against Libloggers - unreal. Here's one:

    Jan 08 2009
    3:06 AM Liblogs cannot be equated with the Liberal Party, just as the Blogging Tories are not representative of the Conservative Party (otherwise, the CPC would be a bunch of loudmouths who take great pleasure in defaming anyone who disagrees with them, or who spew bigoted and even outright racist messages -- such as a certain "midget" (5ft.) blogger.
    Unfortunately, the Liblogs aggregator is infested with those who also belong to Progressive Bloggers (regressive is more like it), and they are extreme radical left-wingers who would be banned from blogging in an ideal world.
    Except for a handful of Libloggers, therefore, the vast majority of them reflect the opinions of those extreme radicals, rather than the views of the Liberal Party -- or of liberalism in general. They're mostly socialists and even communists, who really shouldn't be allowed to blog on a "liberal" aggregator.
    Maybe someone will start a new Liberal blog aggregator, one that actually reflects real (i.e., classical) liberalism, but the current form of Liblogs doesn't meet that requirement."

    And that was mild compared to others.

    Jason also wrote a comment. Here it is:

    "by JCherniak
    Jan 08 2009
    10:02 AM Kelly,
    I appreciate the fact that you focused on my statement and not the statements of those who are unrepresentative of the Liberal Party. However, I do think you have made two errors.
    First, you ascribed motives to me that did not exist. I wrote that post not because I was "alarmed", but because I thought it was important to have a statement on record before a journalist decided to turn this into a story. Without the statement, I suspect you would have been quoting the small minority of wrong-thinking Liblogloggers.
    Second, I think you are doing a disservice by not reviewing the comments of members of the Blogging Tories. While they might not go overboard on Israel, some of them are bigots who attack natives or believe the Holocaust is an excuse to pull pranks. There is nothing wrong with pointing out problems on Liblogs, but there is something wrong with suggesting that the Blogging Tories are clean in comparison. Quite the contrary, I am confident that Libloggers stand far more within the main stream than Blogging Tories."

    I do have a concern that what is going on here is being used in a negative way by all the Con trolls that post comments at the NaPo & other places. It reflects badly on the Liberal Party as is mentioned in the comments. Equating the "blog wars" going on here as part of the Party.

    You have a right to be angry about your posts being deleted & I think it's wrong that they were deleted. Freedom of speech should be the rule. At the same time I hope you can calm down a bit & let your "smart's prevail. The images you create are brilliant & I'd like to see more of them.

    Also, many people are taking you the "wrong way" & what you say out of context. Picking the one or two things they don't like & disregarding the rest & not seeing the entire picture of what you are saying.

    Also, I'm with you - not against you - so please keep that in mind, mon ami.

  4. That is strange that you cannot comment at my site. I have google too so don't understand that. Were you signed in?

  5. Anonymous12:08 pm

    good folks like you are only happy when Hamas is killing hundreds of Fatah and launching terror rocket attacks on kindergartens in Isreal.

    Go Liberals go,

  6. Don't be stupid Fred. We hate when this goes on anywhere in the world & done by whomever. Also, maybe it's time you learned how to spell "Israel".

    LeDaro - I forgot - I have haloscan for comments, not blogger. Sorry. :(

  7. Penlan, thank you for posting comments from the turd's site. Incredible.

    Cherniak says he does not believe in censoring and yet he has been deleting my posts.

    On your blog I tried only where it asks for e-mail and other information and I could not post my comment. I will try some other time.

  8. Penlan, thank you. You put Fred in his place. How ignorant these people are that they make these false accusations.

  9. "wrong-thinking Liblogloggers" ???

    Such an odd choice of words.

  10. Anonymous3:24 pm

    "wrong-thinking Liblogloggers" ???
    He means libloggers that do not suck Isreali's nutsack on propaganda....

  11. "nutsack" :) LoL. Not only the last 3 acronyms in your name are funny but also you're funny, period.
