Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bush's Farewell Address: Chris Matthews' take on it

Right on!


  1. Chris Matthews can be a jerk but he sometimes gets it right. He got it tonight.

  2. Problem with Chris is that he talks too much and in the process sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth. And one feels like saying "what the f... he just said". But generally the guy's heart is the right place. True, on Bush he did get it right.

  3. This is one of the best things I've ever heard from Chris Matthews. He hit the nail on the head and put
    George W. Bush right where he belongs. This President
    has put our country in the worst possible position in history. George W. Bush should be held accountable
    for war crimes. Yet the President goes on T V and pats
    himself on the back for the last eight years.
    It's truly unbelievable!

  4. Thanks folks for your comments. I agree with you that Chris Matthews hit the nail right on the head. It was a very good commentary.
