Monday, December 22, 2008

Stephen Harper's Split Personality: Eighteen Senators Appointed, Supreme Ct. Judge Appointed Without Hearing

Stephen Harper has a serious split-personality syndrome. He was dead set against an appointed Senate. He said time again to either abolish it, or elect the Senators. Neither happened. Soon after he got elected as PM in 2006 he appointed Fortier to the Senate to be in his cabinet. More recently, he has appointed 18 Conservative political hacks whose names are as follows:

- Former MP Fabian Manning (N.L.).
- Lawyer Fred Dickson (N.S.).
- Stephen Greene, former deputy chief of staff to N.S. Premier Rodney MacDonald (N.S.).
- N.S. businessman Michael L. MacDonald (N.S.).
- Long-time New Brunswick MLA and cabinet minister Percy Mockler (N.B.).
- Lawyer John D. Wallace (N.B.).
- National chief of the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Patrick Brazeau (Que.).
- Former MP and teacher Suzanne Fortin-Duplessis (Que.).
- Director of Via Rail Canada Leo Housakos (Que.).
- Former Quebec MNA Michel Rivard (Que.).
- Nicole Eaton, member of the prominent Eaton family (Ont.).
- Businessman Irving Gerstein (Ont.).
- Co-founder of the Corean Canadian Coactive (C3) society Yonah Martin (B.C.).
- Provincial cabinet minister Richard Neufeld (B.C.).
- Former Yukon MLA Hector Daniel Lang (Yukon).
- Broadcaster, Pamela Wallin
- Media Commentator, Mike Duffy
- Olympic Athlete, Nancy Greene (N.S.)

If you remember during last election, he said that the fundamentals of the economy were strong. Soon after the election the economy was in trouble. Then his Minister of Ruins, Jim Flaherty, gave his Financial Update (a.k.a the F.U.) and said there will be no deficit for another five years. Now recently he said there will be deficit of $6 billion or more. Split personality runs right through the Harper government. Now Harper is saying that after the economic stimulus package the deficit will be $30 billion or more. These guys indeed have a big hole in their head and they are running our
Harper, after pledging that there would be hearings for his prospective Supreme Court appointees, appointed Nova Scotia's Thomas Cromwell to the Supreme Court. While the hearings for his last appointee were for the most part meaningless, nonetheless Harper is again showing his double-standards and split personality.

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