Thursday, December 25, 2008

Santa visits Steve Murphy of CTV

I was not going to do a picture on Christmas, but then Steve Murphy of CTV got my attention last night. He was anchoring the evening news from Halifax and every few minutes he was giving the travel plans of Santa with a complete straight face and NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defence command) was participating. ;) It was odd that a major news anchorman would do that in a serious fashion as if indeed he was tracking Santa.

Please do not get me wrong. I think that Steve Murphy is a good anchorman and devotes lot of his time to good charities. But when it comes to politics he is biased. Whenever he interviews Stephen Harper or any of his cabinet members, he throws softball questions. He is also very buddy buddy when he interviews Bernard Lord. During New Brunswick's last provincial election in 2006, when he had a sit-down with the three party leader, Murphy threw soft-balls at Bernard Lord and overly grilled the Liberal and NDP leaders - something which many viewers noticed and commented upon.

Also, when it came to Liberal leader Stephane Dion during the federal election, Murphy really gave it to him by broadcasting re-takes. I thought that was quite over the top and it did damage Dion. He is also very chummy to Mike Duffy and may be next in line for a Senate seat if Harper is still Prime Minister after January.

I think Bob Rae straightened him out when Murphy interviewed him. Rae told him bluntly that he was biased. Murphy denied it but Rae told him that he should face it that he was biased politically. Come on Steve Murphy, be more objective. Atlantic Canadians do watch you give news.

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