Tuesday, December 30, 2008

George Dubya Bush's legacy: Part II

Murder and mayhem continues around the world as the side effects and after effects of the Bush doctrine reek their destruction. This while this moron continues to dance away through the remaining days of his disastrous eight years. The US has no moral authority to stop anyone from invasion of neighbours as it set the example of invading Afghanistan and Iraq. This cowboy never understood the meaning of the word diplomacy. He has re-established the law of jungle where "might is right." It is the innocent people dying whether in Afghanistan, Pakistan or the Middle East which is the biggest black spot on our so-called modern society. After the Second World War and the establishment of the United Nations, this was not supposed to happen. But leaders like Bush ensured that United Nations and international laws do not matter and that invasion of sovereign countries and torture would be the order of the day.

Given this world chaos add to it the economic disaster. It does not look good for 2009. One can only hope and pray that Barack Obama and other world leaders will turn the tide and put an end to these unjust wars and economic disaster. One has to live with hope and positive thinking.

We in Canada had fairly enlightened leadership until Reforrrrm guy Stephen Harper came along. Either he must mend his ways or Canadians deserve a better and different government.

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