Friday, December 19, 2008

Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush: The Worst People in the World

In my view these three are the worst people in the world – Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush, in that order. They are responsible for the deaths and displacements of millions of Iraqis and Afghanis. Both of these countries are in ruins, especially Iraq. There is also a lasting unrest in the Middle East and South East Asia and an unstable world. Some news sources have reported that these three have committed crimes against humanity and committed serious war crimes.

Now Cheney has boldly come out and said that Iraq would have been invaded whether WMD's or no WMD's . Cheney also admitted bluntly that he approved the torture of detainees. Rumsfeld carried out similar activities. Bush went along with whatever these two puppeteers wanted him to do. He recently admitted that there was no Al-Queda in Iraq prior to invasion and added, "so what." The Bush administration is leaving the US economy in one of the worst condition since the 1930's and the US reputation is in tatters as evidenced by the recent shoe throwing by an Iraqi Journalist. It turns out that many in the world - both in the Middle East and in the United States - would like to do the same to Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld.


  1. I've got one more you could add to that list

  2. Don't be so coy Ledaro, how do you really feel?!


  3. MoS, I did see your "love note" post to your 'buddy' Steve. Good one.

    Fish, nice to see you back. How I really feel? - Shoe throwing party on Jan 20 to say good bye but no one cares for my feelings ;)

  4. You left out Karl Rove.

  5. Jymn, there too many to include them all.;)
