Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Osama Bin Laden Endorses John McCain ;)

Click here to read the story.


  1. That's so funny, I forgot to laugh.

  2. To forget to laugh is a serious malady. May God help you.

  3. I dont usually comment on photoshop pictures, but sometimes u go to far, and this is one of them, I dont believe this ia a real story by the way, because of the one sided coverage on the part of the media, everything is possible. But lets look at the story in real time, obama will pull out as soon as he can, forget the 16 months, so who does that benefit? Alqaida... McCain will stay until they can handle the situation on their own, and from what we have seen lately, wont take long...So if Alqaida wants McCain, someone is hoping americans get mad, and move to b.o., who does it benefit if the americans move out of iraq? And from what I have seen from alqaida, I dont think they care who is president, they had bush for 8 y, the damage is already done,this smells of a hack job, a posted story someone thought someone (hint hint) would pick up...
    Instead of posting photoshop pictures all the time, take a minute or two to write, instead of hack attacks...I dont like b.o. because he is to inexperience, and left, taxing companies will only make them pass it down to us, and the poor, and go where the capital gains tax is lower, therefore less jobs, we live in a world economy, cant be stopped, it might be patriotic to pay higher taxes, but that not reality...

  4. Liberal 4evr, you’re not much of a liberal so stop pretending. Your hyperbole does not mean anything. The story was in Washington Post and then on every media outlet there is.

    There was no Al-Qeida in Iraq before Bush invaded. Only people who benefited from this invasion are Al-Qeida and Iran. Unless you live in a cave it is a well-known fact. When you use the word b.o for Senator Barack Obama it reeks of racism.

  5. I have to agree (though not completely) with Liberal 4evr on this one.

    It seems to me that if Al-Qaeda was going to "endorse" an American candidate, they would have to know that it could only hurt that candidate. Don't you suppose that the devious masterminds 9-11 might be capable of employing reverse psychology?

    Whether the American presence in Iraq is justified or not, there's no denying that an American pullout is what Al-Qaeda wants.

    Having said that, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If it is impossible to achieve victory in Iraq, there is no point in prolonging the conflict. Whether or not the conflict is winnable for the U.S. is another matter. Frankly, I have no clue.

    From what I've read, the so called endorsement was on a website with "ties" to Al Qaeda, whatever that might mean. So it's not even clear that the message actually comes from Osama himself.

    As for the "b.o." reference, I have to say it's disrespectful, and shows a complete lack of class, but I fail to see how it's racist.

  6. I am more of a liberal than you are, how much you wanna bet, the liberal establishment dont like your kind of anti americanism? wannabe !
