Thursday, October 09, 2008

John McCain Unhinged

In the second US presidential candidates’ debate, John McCain was unbalance to say the least. At one point he referred condescendingly to Barack Obama as "that one" when talking about a certain energy bill (Now, "That One '08" T-shirts are selling like hotcakes). Then, at the debate, McCain said that US imports oil worth $700 billion a year from terrorist countries. CNN estimated total imports cost approximately $350 billion a year. Also, guess who is the biggest exporter to the US, Canada. So, "my friends" we are a terrorist country, then Saudi Arabia and the third one is Mexico (as these are the top three oil import sources for America). In July of this year, the United States imported 1,960,000 barrels of crude oil per day from Canada, 1,661,000 from Saudi Arabia, and 1,200,000 from Mexico.

According to McCain, its major oil suppliers and neighbours are terrorist countries, the Saudis are not going to be pleased when they find out what McCain thinks of them.

All in all McCain’s performance at the debate was distressing and he sounded unhinged.

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