Thursday, October 16, 2008

John McCain: Obama is a Family Man

First, Sarah Palin and McCain incite crowds and when crowd react they do not know what to do with it. Some in the crowd yelled that Obama is a "terrorist", "kill him" and so and so forth.

Then, at a townhall, one woman said that Obama was an Arab. What does McCain mean when he says “Obama is not an Arab. He is a decent human-being and a family-man.” Is he implying that Arabs cannot be decent human beings and family men? Arabs are not going to like this.

On last night’ Presidential Candidates’ debate later.

Meanwhile, check out this good commentary from CNN's Campbell Brown on the maligning of Arabs and Muslims in American political discourse:


  1. Probably about the dumbest thing McCain could have possibly responded, but I have to give him credit for at least trying to say something nice about his opponent. A pity his supporters don't seem very willing to try the same thing.

  2. Fish, there are two John McCains. One controlled by his campaign personnel and he reads from their playbook including his side-kick Sarah Palin and other you get a reflection once in a while when not totally controlled by campaign people. It is unfortunate but that is how it goes and that is why his “strategies” and “tactics” change by the hour.

  3. "In God (Christ) We Trust."
    This is the American catch phrase
    used especially by conservatives.
    Now, from what i read in the Bible
    (And we all live by this book,dont
    we ?)I have to assume that God
    (Christ)is not only an Arab but,
    BUT,also the ultimate communist.
    I think the republicans need to
    look into their own roots before
    accusing Obama of trying to lift
    America out of a mire created by
    the Bush/McCain camp.
