Pregnant daughter on the right in green sweater.
I agree with Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama that a person’s family and children should be off-limits for political fights. However, in the case of Sarah Palin it is more than just that. It is her conservative credentials and holier than thou attitude. She lectured many times that abstinence only sex education is the best birth control, that it's a moral obligation. Ok, but it does not work. Not only are there unwanted pregnancies among teens, but also STDs such as AIDS. One reads about it daily. Therefore sex education and other protections are essential.
Now there is admittance by Palin that her teen daughter is pregnant. This is a living example of why abstinence only does not work, and could raise accusations of hypocrisy against the Palin family, especially in light of rumours that Palin's fifth child is actually her daughter's son. These rumours are not substantiated, but nonetheless raise questions in the public's minds about cover-ups in light of the recent announcement that Palin's daughter is pregnant. These accusations of cover-up would be further fanned if she has a stillbirth or miscarriage, people will say it is evidence of a cover-up even if it is not so.
Palin was also touted as champion of change and anti-establishment. Now it turns out she lobbied for millions of dollars in earmarks from Washington as a political favour for the small town Wasilla when she was mayor. This involved Senator Stevens, who is being investigated for corruption.
It looks that either no vetting was done or that it missed the mark, both of which raise serious questions about John McCain's judgment.
Could Sarah Palin turn out to be another Thomas Eagleton, and have to resign from the ticket? Recommend this post
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