Who is Sarah Palin saluting? What was she thinking raising her hand like that?
A demonstrator being dragged away from the Convention Hall when McCain was giving his acceptance speech.
That same demonstrator giving a victory sign.
Iraq War Vet displaying sign at the Convention when McCain was speaking.
An "enthusiastic fan" constantly yawning during McCain's acceptance speech.
Unfortunately for McCain, he is boxed in. First, his association with the unpopular Bush administration. Second, the unpopularity of the Iraq War which McCain continues to support. Third, his age and lack of any new ideas. And fourth, his Vice Presidential candidate who is more of a liability than an asset.
Dissatisfaction with the Republican Party is intense. According to CNN, thousands of protesters were outside the convention hall.
As well, Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden has more foreign policy experience than McCain and Palin put together. If total experience equals ten, there this would be the break down:
Biden: 10
McCain: 6
Palin: 0
Finally, and most importantly, McCain is up against a very charismatic young leader, Barack Obama. Obama has put alot of meat and substance into his platform through concrete policies on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, energy independence, health, and the number one issue for Americans, the economy. This substance is lacking in the case of McCain, he has been mostly rhetoric and fear-mongering.
McCain is a war hero but as a Presidential candidate he belongs to an earlier era, not the 21st century. He would have made a great President a decade or two ago but now he is yesterday's man. Recommend this post
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