First he repeatedly said that "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" and that there was nothing to worry about. Early this week, it looks he suddenly woke up and indicated that the economy was in dire straights. Obama initiated a call that he and McCain should make a joint statement on the bailout plan. Next thing, the World knows that the Earth fell apart for McCain. He declared that he was suspending his campaign, also asking for the postponement of the Presidential candidates’ debate, and that he was headed to Washington D.C to find a resolution to the $700 billion bailout plan.
The House of Representatives and the Senate announced around 1 PM local time that a deal was reached. On McCain’s efforts, Bush invited both McCain and Obama along with congressional leaders to the Whitehouse, a meeting which started at 4 PM. It looks at that meeting the deal fell apart thanks to the "efforts" of John McCain because his fellow Republican Congressmen in the House of Representatives came up with new contentious conditions.
Now, after McCain's "will he or won't he" drama, he will attend the Presidential debate tonight. He will have to face some tough questions, though it was either that or cede the stage entirely to Obama. What a disaster thanks to the impulsiveness of John McCain. Can this man run the Whitehouse and face crisis? Look at this scenario, Russia threatens to attack the United States and a hurricane threatens to hit the Gulf Coast. He tells the Russian leader to wait for another day, or tells the hurricaine to hit tomorrow instead of today because he can't do two tasks at the same time.
Bad news all around.
Either McCain is a fumbling bumbling old man or maybe that is his main trait which is becoming startlingly obvious now. In either case, watch out American friends as it does not look good if, God forbid, he becomes your President.
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