Thursday, August 07, 2008

John McCain's new invention

His solution to inflation, he has a gadget for only $25, though you can buy it for a Looney or a buck at any gas station in your neighbourhood.

Seriously though, McCain was making fun of Obama's statement that people should properly inflate their tires and get their cars regularly tuned up to save gas. NASCAR agrees with that as does AAA and many other experts. If everyone did it, it could save up to 800,000 barrels of gas per day in the US and save money for consumers.

By contrast, off-shore drilling may take 10-15 years to produce gas for the market and then it will not be free (and it may not even be sold to US markets). Imagine how much gas we can save until then by just properly inflating our tires and through proper tune-ups. I think McCain has really gone loopy.

Now he's flip-flopped and says that inflating tires and tune ups do save gas and that all must do it. Should this deflate his ego? I think McCain needs tuning up himself and to lose some gas.

Click here to read the story and watch the video.

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