Tuesday, August 05, 2008

John McCain not so subtle

"I am John McCain, and I approve this message."

John McCain is desperate. He will approve any message which he thinks will help him win the Whitehouse.

After reading many commentaries, and listening to many commentators on Television - including David Gergen - I have reached the conclusion that McSame and his surrogates are carrying out a subtle, and not so subtle, racist campaign. The latest is manifested in their ads featuring Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and comparing them to Barack Obama -- some say a subtle hint of two air-headed white women with a black man (similar to what was done to Congressman Harold Ford Jr., an African-American, when he ran for Senate in Tennessee -- this particular ad was roundly criticised).

Then there was the Moses ad which gave the subliminal message (understandable to many in the South) that Barack Obama is an uppity black man who doesn't know his place. McSame and his surrogates are trying to do everything to scare people by conveying the message, "can you really see this man in the Whitehouse, and can he really be leader of the World's most powerful country?"

Too bad for McSame, he is fast losing support because of these tactics. The latest polls on MSNBC show McSame losing support even among so-called "hard-working white people" by 8-9 points.

McSame should go and hug Dubya a few times, maybe then his Karma will come back.


  1. It's amazing how people like you can call someone a rascist even though Barack Obama thinks otherwise.

    McCain used Spears and Paris to poke fun about Obamas celebrity.

    That's widely known by know.

    You need to grow up LeDaro, and worry about your own country.

    Quit worrying about America, you rascist.

  2. LeDaro is a racist.

    He hates Americans and America and that means he's a racist.

    But yet he fails to understand that everything he does is related to America. Canada has no culture, only American culture.

    Don't believe me LeDaro, all you have to do is look at everything you do on a daily basis.

  3. Look FredM whatever happens in America impacts rest of the world and especially Canada.
    Many Americans feel the same way about McSame. David Gergen is not Canadian and many other commentators are not Canadians. They are American and white Americans.

    My country is being screwed up because our Prime Minister is a poodle to Bush. He is another McHarper and McBush.

    So grow up and come out of the woods.

  4. "Look FredM whatever happens in America impacts rest of the world and especially Canada.
    Many Americans feel the same way about McSame. David Gergen is not Canadian and many other commentators are not Canadians. They are American and white Americans.

    My country is being screwed up because our Prime Minister is a poodle to Bush. He is another McHarper and McBush.

    So grow up and come out of the woods.

    9:37 AM"

    I guess Chretien was a "CLINTON" poodle.

    You really need to grow up LeDaro.

    WHen you use such childish wors, you make yourself look like your 3 years old.

    But then again, you're only using the Liberal Party of Canada's talking points.

    What a joke the left wing in Canada is. You don't even get that childish behaviour in America.

    Again, quit being a racist and admit that without the USA, Canada would be like Africa.

    Just knowing that, you should be getting on your hands and knees and praising G.W Bush for giving YOU the quality of life you enjoy.

    As a matter of fact, all Canadians should be prasing the USA for giving Canadians the life they enjoy.

  5. Jonathon, you are calling me racist. Racist towards whom? What is your definition of racist?

    I call Bush a moron for unstable world he has created and McSame is not going to do any different. Especially his temper and mental instability as he flip flops on daily basis. I think he is a nice man but his surrogates are making him do things, which are sad. It is scary to have him as a president.

    More recently his campaign said McCain does not speak for the McCain campaign. Would you care tell us who does he speak for.

    Remember 80% of Americans disapprove of Bush.

  6. "Jonathon, you are calling me racist. Racist towards whom? What is your definition of racist?"

    LeDaro, you are calling John McSame racist even though Osama Obama doesn't think he is.

    What is your definition if racist?

    Mine is when you hate a people for the color of their skin.

    Not because you don't like their politics.

    See the difference?

    80% of Americans disapprove of Bush for a number of reasons.
    Those reasons are not the same as your's seeing how you're Canadian, not American.

  7. Look FredM, I am glad that you're 20% of the Americans. In your case may be less than 1%. It is encouraging to know that vast majority of the Americans are very nice people and seeing through Bush and his follies. It is Americans who feel that he should be impeached and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

    If you're one of the draft-dodgers living in Canada then you're doing a great disservice to your idol Bush. Go serve him and serve in Iraq and people may take you seriously.

  8. "Osama Obama"? FredM, now you proved it that you're the racist.

    Man, you're completely out of it. You need help.

  9. "It is Americans who feel that he should be impeached and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity."

    What for, reoving Saddam Hussein.

    I guess, using that logic, Bill Clinton and NATO should also be tried for killing civilians in Bosnia.

    OOOOOOOPS! I forgot, you're a liberal so you loved Bill Clinton and would never want to see him tried.

    "Osama Obama" is not racist. It's a joke.

    See the difference?

    McSame is also racist I guess.

  10. Well Ledaro, that's what you get for endulging Johnathon by responding to his comments... nothing but a shit-load of spelling mistakes and hateful dribble that's been cowardly disguised (though not very skillfully) as humour.

    But since we've already got this troll riled up, why not have a little fun?!

    Hey Johnathon, you and Stephen Harper can take turns getting down on your hands and knees in front of George Bush all you want (whatever else happens while you're down there is your business!), those of us who are capable of independent thought will make up our own minds.

    Now that's a funny joke! See the difference?

  11. FredM, as I said before you need help, friend.

    Clinton brought peace. Northern Ireland and then he was close to doing the same in the Middle East and his second term ended. What did Bush do for the peace?

    "Osama - Obama". Shame on you. When I say McSame I am not referring to someone who is labelled as a terrorist. You have a very lousy sense of humour like KKK folks, whose jokes are deprecating too.

    By the way Osama is an Arab and not Afghan. Same Osamas that oilmen Bush W. and Bush Senior did business with in Saudi Arabia and probably still doing it. But all that is lost on you because you’re so ignorant.

  12. Once you get the racist Johnathon on there, be prepared for some racist language..he can sure shell it out, which does not take any brains.
    Man, is he sour! He does need to grow up...if that is possible....

  13. Clinton brought peace by FORCE to Bosnia. Why do you not want to talk about that?

    Why do you not want to talk about the 8 terrorist attacks that Bill Clinton did nothing about?

    Bill Clinton had 8 years to bring the middle east peace, if there is such a thing.

    The middle east will never be peaceful as long as people like you and your fellow liberals prop up the terrorists in the middle east.

    Whenever there is a terrorist attack on the west, it's always the west's fault.Never the terrorists.

    I can tell by your english that your really a frenchman, so it's no wonder why you're so jealous of the USA.

    And BTW, Osama Obama is a well known joke in the USA. Since your living in Quebec I can understand why you wouldn't understand that.

    Obama supports Israel, call's Hamas terrorists, threatens Iran and wants a surge in Aghanistan.

    Surely you can't agree with Obama on any of those points.

    Liberals support terrorists, wants no action on Iran, wants to "cut and run " from Afhstan and so forth.

    So really, Obama is nothing compared to the leftists in Canada.

    But LeDaro seems to be in love with Osama Obama.

  14. Bush has done more for world peace than any left wing maggot could ever do.

    1.Hamas-Israel truce.
    2.Eygpt gets rid of nuclear program.
    3.North Korea gets rid of nuclear program.
    4.Iraq is liberated and the people are free to choose their future.
    5.America has no terrorist attacks since 9/11.

    Need any further proof of the peace that G.W Bush has brought?

    You don't like Bush because he is a rich man with an attitude while liberals are poor people with knee jerk reactions to everything.

    Again, grow up LeDaro.

    The liberals cannot even raise enough money to fund an election, they have to rely on goverment money.

    Pretty shameful that people still support a party that stole 100 million from me and my friends.

    God damn theives.

  15. "I can tell by your english that your really a frenchman, so it's no wonder why you're so jealous of the USA."

    Wow, you can't even criticize someone else's English without making spelling mistakes! I counted three in that one sentence alone!

    Thank you so much Johnathon. You see, there are actually a lot of intelligent right-wing bloggers out there, but thankfully, people like you are much more vocal than they are, so we don't have to work very hard to create a negative image for the right wing.

    If I were a Conservative, I would have some serious questions about which side you are on!

    So anyways, keep smoking whatever it is that you're on, and by all means, please do not stop blogging!

  16. your getting silly with your pictures, the only thing your doing is making americans angry, just like b.o. is doing, your not bloging the truth, mccain did not bring up the race card, it was thrown out there by b.o., just like he did with old bill, you and the b.o. crowed are using right wing tactics that will not work and look silly, it looks like your copy cats, mccain is to well respected in america, if you keep this up you turn those who would vote for b.o. towards mccain, stay on the issues...as for the polls b.o. has gone down 10 points since his european mystery tour....I too think american economic poilicies are important to canada, what confuses me is how liberal supporters are so missinformed as to take b.o. and his crews side, his policies are protectionist, and thats not good for us...remember the mess we were in, and chretien had to do some anti liberal thing to get us out, not increase spending and increase taxes...and that is what the americans have to do...b.o. will drag us down with him, the combination of his inexperience socialist views of taking from the rich and give to the poor, and the mess the cons are making offers a future for cananda that will be painfull....making more bio fuel with our food, will hurt canadians, the price of food goes up, so on.....so instead of attacking a la right wing and making a silly fool of yourself, explain why you support b.o., what economic policies do u think is right for canada? I would really like to know, so I can debate you on it? I think you know that b.o.'s economic policies dont make sense, but you want a black man in the white house so bad, your willing to overlook that, isn't the idea of voting for a black man just because he is black, racism in itself????

  17. as for the rest of you, I am not a defender of W. but I saw no bombs exploding on trains and buses on the street of americ and Canada, like in europe.... bush economics is nasty yes, but i have to give him this the pusuit of the terrorists throughout the world has kept children in canada from been blown to pieces while riding a bus... be carefull, there is a lot of johnathons in america, more than you know... blog about policies...stay away from the race issue...look how much it has hurt the democrats so far....

  18. Liberal 4evr, it is apparent you’re no liberal. –b.o , sounds like body order. Does it hurt you to say Barack Obama. I suppose that will kill you. I initially was for Hillary Clinton but she stumbled quite a few times. I felt Obama was the best candidate. Now people like Senator Edward M. Kennedy have endorsed him. J.F. K's daughter has endorsed him. I suppose something is wrong with him and her in your book. Many other prominent and veteran democrats have endorsed him. Even some republicans have endorsed him over McSame. This may kill you but Obama is going to be the next president of the United States of America.

    Thank you Fish, you handled that Jonothon boy quite well. I have nothing to add accept that he is on something (some weed or opium from Afghanistan) always and needs help.

    Lizt, thank you for your comments. If his behaviour continues this way then I will have to delete his comments. Like MoS my elders were 2nd World war veterans but this idiot does not know that. There are wars and then there is aggression and greed for oil. Oilmen Bushes are only interested in oil and in the process if a million or more are killed then it is ok in their book

  19. Liberal 4 ever is 100% right on.

    LeDaro calls someone a racist with NO PROOF. How ignorant is that?

    Liberal 4 ever is also correct that his persuit of terrorists is keeping Canada safe. LeDaro included.

    GReat comments Liber4ever.

  20. Hey Johnathon, you spelled "pursuit" wrong.

  21. Johnathon, you lost it man long time ago. You called me a racist because I called Bush a moron and McSame a dead loss. 80% of Americans think Bush is a moron. Not long ago I was in US and heard some discussions. Americans feel that Bush has ruined America's reputation and it will take decades to recover. No that is not me. These are my American friends and acquaintances saying that and they are all 'hard-working white’ folks.

  22. Sorry LeDaro, but you're wrong again.

    80% of Americans might disapprove of the totality of his presidency, but may I remind you that after the Iraq war started his approval rating was over 70 percent. Not bad.

    His disapproval rating has more to do with the economy than it does Iraq.

    And for your American friends, I'm sure they're members of the Dailykos or media matters.

    Of course leftists in America can call Bush a moron because of their views. That's O.K. But when you get some clown in Canada doing it, it's the height of ignorance.

    The Liberal Party of Canada stole 100 million from the taxpayers. The fact that you can still support such a bunch of ragtag dummmies, proves your opinion isn't worth squat.

    G.W Bush is a great man of principal, not a knee-jerk, politically correct goofball.

    There is not ONE liberal in Canada who could get elected in the USA.

    Not one.

    Again, Americans have every right to bash their President, but when Canadians of leftist descent do it, it is very immature and ignorant.

    When you start calling the Liberals corrupt thieves, then you can call Bush a moron.

    Until you get the cojones to do that, then you should worry about your own backyard, not the USA's.

    Being American, I find the envy and infatuation Liberals have for America very interesting, but also very disturbing.

    You are a product of Canada, not the USA, so worry about your own country's problems. Canada has far more issues than American does.

    Barack Hussein Obama is proof of hoe far ahead America is than Canada.

    Canada is so racist and isnorant that there are only a few black's as M.P.s

    Racist? You bet.

  23. Johnathon, take Fish’s advice and learn to spell. You cannot even spell ‘dummmies’ dummy. Many more spelling mistakes. I am not alone calling Bush a moron. Even the Europeans call him a moron and the rest of the world. Why you think 230, 000 showed up in Germany to listen to Obama? Because they had it with Bush. Get off the opium.

    What are we jealous of? Medical insurance? People die there without medical help. More recently a black lady died in a New York hospital emergency room because no one provided her medical care that she needed. Or is it because of the disastrous housing market or stumbling U.S dollar or soldiers being killed by the thousands in Iraq. What is there to be jealous of? America is a great country but Bush has pretty well destroyed it because of his moronic policies

  24. Le Daro, you coud talk to Johnathon until you are blue in the face...no sense.

  25. Here is an article describing the Johnathon's of the world.

  26. Lizt, thank you. I think you're quite right.

    blues clair, thank you for the link. I got some idea of Johnathon. I do not understand where he gets all this time.

  27. "What are we jealous of? Medical insurance? People die there without medical help"

    LeDaro, again, for the 5th time today, you're wrong.

    Over 100 thousand Canadians go to the USA every year to get life saving health care they cannot get in Canada.

    How do you like those apples?

    Next, 230 thousand people in Germany don't mean shit.All it means is that the socialists are caught up in the Osama Obama hype.

    I can understand why Europe loves Obama as he is also a socialist.

    Did you notice the 30 thousand people today that welcomed President Bush to South Korea. How about the South Korean gentleman who said without America, South Korea would be dead.

    Again, Canada needs America, not the other way around. Quit being so childish and foolish.

    And BTW, I'm not anal about spelling mistakes.

    So, why do so many Canadians go to the USA every day for health care unavailable in Canada?

    Geez, America gives Canada security, food, sports and entertainments, medicine, health care, technology, Florida, California, Arizona, New York, and everything else you enjoy.

    What does Canada give America besides non stop coverage of everything that is going on daily in the USA?

    I just watched CTV and I found it very disturbing that they would cover the storm in Texas.

    Why would CTV care about a storm in Texas?

    I guess you would have to ask them that question.

    I'm waiting for your answer at to why thousands of Canadians go to get health care in the USA.

    Let me know ASAP, I'm waiting to see how you spin your way outta this one.

  28. Blues Clair, I just read the first page. Scary stuff. Thank you again for the link. Now it explains why Johnathon is so foolish - he just plays the role.

  29. Here is more evidence that the Canadian health care system is killing people, not saving them.

    A February 2004 Canadian Medical Association poll revealed that only 14 percent of Canadians believe their country has a sufficient number of doctors. 49 percent of Canadians said either they or a member of their household had to wait "longer than you thought was reasonable" to see a medical specialist within the last year. 38 percent gave the same answer when asked about access to their family physician, and 31 percent said so about access to advanced diagnostic procedures.2

    A whopping 74 percent of Canadians were concerned about long waits for access to emergency room services, while seven percent said they or a member of their household had suffered deteriorating medical conditions as a result of delays in access for care over the past year. Two percent of Canadians actually reported that a member of their household had died waiting for health care.3

    Why the waiting times? In Canada, says Dr. Robert J. Cihak, M.D., former president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, "If the Canadian government says it provides a particular medical service, it is illegal for a Canadian citizen to pay for and obtain that service privately. At the same time, the Canadian government bureaucracy rations medical services."

    So shortages are inevitable. Says Dr. Cihak:

    In a May/June 2004 article in the journal Health Affairs, researcher Robert Blendon and colleagues described the results of a survey of hospital administrators in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, the United States, and Canada. Fifty percent of the Canadian hospital administrators said the average waiting time for a 65-year-old man requiring a routine hip replacement was more than six months. Not one American hospital administrator reported waiting periods that long. Eighty-six percent of American hospital administrators said the average waiting time was shorter than three weeks; only 3 percent of Canadian hospital administrators said their patients had this brief a wait."4

    Says Sally Pipes, a Canadian who runs the U.S.-based Pacific Research Institute and who is the author of a book on the Canadian system:

    Between 1993 and 2003, [in Canada] the median waiting time from referral by a general practitioner to treatment increased by 90 percent, from 9.3 weeks to 17.7 weeks, according to an annual survey of physicians by the Vancouver-based Fraser Institute. For cancer patients, the waiting time for medical oncology more than doubled from 2.5 weeks to 6.1 weeks, and the waiting time for radiation oncology increased from 5.3 weeks to 8.1 weeks. That's the experience of 58-year-old Don Cernivz, who noticed blood in his urine in fall of 2003. He waited three weeks for his first diagnostic test and then another month for an MRI. Actual treatment for his cancer of the pelvis didn't commence until May of the following year. "The waiting time is ridiculous at the hospital," his daughter complained to the Calgary Herald. "He is in pain."5

    According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (an international organization of 30 member nations), in 2001, 63 percent of Americans reported a waiting time of one month or less for elective surgery, compared to 37 percent of Canadians. 32 percent of Americans waited 1-3 months for elective surgery compared to 36 percent of Canadians. Only five percent of Americans reported waits of four months or more for such procedures, compared to 27 percent of Canadians.6

    In September 2004, an article by Canadian researchers appearing in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association reported that Canadian heart attack patients run a 17 percent greater risk of dying than their U.S. counterparts. The researchers concluded that the reason for higher Canadian mortality following heart attacks lay in the difference between the way the Canadian and U.S. health systems are organized.7

    Advocates of a Canadian system do tout this benefit: Patients pay nothing for services. But this this accurate? Only for those patients who aren't Canadian taxpayers. Twenty-two percent of all of Canada's tax revenues go to pay for Canada's health care system.8

    That's a lot of money for Canadian citizens to spend for a service they can't be sure they'll get.

    I agree LeDaro, if your poor like most Liberals then you like the free health care.

    But for people like me with a good job , I don't mind spending 2500 a year to get the BEST health care in the world.

    I don't mind spending money to stay alive.

    You on the other hand, would rather wait a year to get surgery, rather than a week or two in the USA.

    Pretty shameful.

  30. LeDaro, no problem for the link, I got that over at Red Tory's place. It's best just to ignore the Johnathon's of the world. Or delete their comments.

  31. ledaro, its funny how everybody keeps mentioning that 81% of Americans are unhappy with the American government. Isnt the majority of seats held by liberals? The last poll i seen that separated the president from the liberal congress showed Americans being upset with the congress and not the president. My name is Fred not johnathon, referring to your previous posts. Your picture portraying McCain as a racist is very insulting.

  32. FredM, I understand johnathon's real name is Fred something. That is why Fred M.

    I think what McCain and grovels are doing is very racist towards Obama. Any fair-minded citizen feels that and sees that. McCain may claim progressive but he still lives in fifties and sixties.
