Friday, August 08, 2008

John Edwards -- Affair Story

It's sad to hear about John Edwards' affair. While what he did was not morally right, it's not our business. It is between him, his family and his faith. We should not be delving so deeply into people's personal lives.

I would imagine that it's especially hard on his children. It will hurt him politically too and maybe end his political ambitions.

Overall, it is sad. He has had enough tragedy in his family with his wife battling cancer and losing one of his children.

Click here to read the story.


  1. Good for you Ledaro. I agree with your sentiment completely.

    ...and I'm sure you would always use the same level of sensitivity and class in such matters regardless of political stripe.

  2. Ben Hicks, I did show sensitivity towards Couillard,however, Bernier does not deserve it as he was not only screwing Couillard but defence confidential document. His incompetence was the central issue.

  3. Ledaro That was very nice. I agree. It is sad, because quite a few people had high hopes for John. He was very kind to people...I saw him help a great deal in New Orleans

  4. He betrayed his wife. How trustworthy is that?

    Then he lied about it.

    It's "none of our business" when it doesn't affect his character in a big way.

  5. Lizt, thanks. I think he had a great potential as a veep or attorney general under Obama administration. I do not think he will recover soon.

    SUZANNE, I am not defending his behaviour. It is just that he is capable of doing a lot of good. Now his credibility indeed has taken a big hit.

  6. Gitmo which is horrendously old news will likely get more news coverage over the next two years than the Edwards story will, because leftists would rather attack their own country over and over and over and over than make a single one of their own accountable for anything.

    Liberals will be in downplay mode, eager to get back to trashing their own country - saying:

    “Poor Edwards’ family. They must really be hurting right now. Now let’s get back to talking about how horrible America is...and how Conservatives are to blame – never minding the fact that liberals have been in control of congress for how long?.”

    That is the difference….

    When a conservative messes up, other conservatives pressure the idiot out of whatever office they hold or hope to hold. Conservatives don’t start making excuses, yipping again about 6 year old stories designed to announce to the world how much they hate their country.

    When a liberal lies, cheats, pays off a mistress and insults others in the process – well then liberals immediately go into all the reasons why it’s no big deal.

    Well here’s a news flash for the wild eyed, protest giddy leftist who seems to think this isn’t a big deal….. this story is not going away in a week.. or two… or three….Why?

    Because Edwards is STILL lying about half the story… He lies even when he “supposedly” is coming clean. Of course Clinton really said it best – it all depends on what the definition of “is” is…… l

    Danny Vice

  7. Danny Vice, interesting. You have not been following my posts. When Eliot Spitzer screwed up I was all over the blog making fun of him. Last I checked he is a democrat and he was made to resign.

    Also last I checked neither Larry Craig nor Ted Stevens have resigned.
