They should join forces with Rush Limbaugh and that will complete the axis of evil.
Jerome Corsi, who wrote the book Obama Nation, has no moral rudders. Liar, liar is written all over him. I do not think I will waste money to buy his book or waste time to read it but I have read enough media reports to conclude that his book is a bunch of lies and political propaganda not much different than the swift boating drive against John Kerry in 2004. Some people will do anything to get their way, exploit, hustle and make money in the process, and Corsi is one of them. It is these types of people who are the scum of the earth.
On a different note, I earlier predicted, after Bhutto’s assassination, that Musharraf of Pakistan would not stay in power through 2008. He did resign this Monday. I hope the elected government does better, as past elected governments in Pakistan have been corrupt. Pakistan is a nuclear nation and it’s very important for world peace that it is stable. Bush’s bungled invasion of Afghanistan has destabilized the whole region including Pakistan, Afghanistan and India to a certain extent, as tensions between Pakistan and India are intensifying in recent months.
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