Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Radovan Karadzic (aka Butcher of Bosnia) arrested

It's a good thing that Radovan Karadzic is arrested and will be appropriately tried. But why not Bush as well? According to some estimates, one million Iraqis have been killed since George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. So far the rule of jungle prevails - might is right.


  1. Ledaro, what is the difference beteween getting rid of Saddam Hussein and getting rid of Karadzic?

    What's the difference?

  2. The difference is one of global consensus, which I personally believe is a necessary prerequisite before infringing on any country's sovereignty.

  3. Mark, moreover invasion of Iraq had very little to do with Saddam and everything to do with oil.

    Saddam was initially a CIA man and in that capacity he toppled the then regime and became the President. In 1980 of course the Iran fiasco and hostages. To get even Reagan administration provided money and weapons to invade Iran and hundreds of thousands died on both side. What is attributed to Saddam as mass killing had everything to do with Iraq and Iran war and US backing. That is why Saddam was never brought to Hague for trial because the very heavy US involvement in all the mass killings would have been exposed.

    When Saddam did not agree to hand over the oil fields the invasion followed and rest is history.
