Monday, July 28, 2008

Omar Khadr and Bush's Justice

Harper is a perfect domesticated poodle to George W. Bush. We as Canadians do not deserve this man as our Prime Minister. Even the US presidential candidates (both McCain and Obama) have indicated they will close Gitmo. They gave many hints to the Harper government that he should repatriate Khadr, but Harper is too afraid of his master George W. Bush.

Khadr was a child when he was captured in Afghanistan. He should at least be considered a child soldier and tried in an appropriate court in Canada, not in some kangroo military court at Gitmo whose sole goal is to get a conviction and hang him or put the detainees in torture chambers for life.

We Canadians believe in basic human rights. It is time we assert those rights for our citizens.

Click here to read a story about Canadians demanding action from Stephen Harper.


  1. You know LeDaro, I agree that Khadr should face terrorism and treason charges under Canadian law (as he would if he were a British or Australian citizen). But if anything could convince me that he should be left to rot in Gitmo it's one of your bone headed, hyperbolic, disgusting attempts at humour. Bravo.

  2. Another immature post.

    Well done LeDaro.

  3. "They gave many hints to the Harper government that he should repatriate Khadr, but Harper is too afraid of his master George W. Bush."

    Where is the proof of this.

    And don't bother using that Toronto Star article that said "if asked" McCain would give Khadr back.

    You know your facts are false, all of them, and Khadr is going to be found guilty and sentenced to between 10-30 years.

    Once he gets sentenced , you can continue your life as a pure anti-American.

    You know you are.

    And it's pathetic, because the photoshop you use for this joke is American made.

    Grow up loon.

  4. The pot is calling the kettle black.

    Actually this is a real picture of the injured Khadr I did not doctor it that much. Actually the real picture is more graphic. However, I did change the characters around him as the buck stops at the Whitehouse and 24 Sussex Drive. Majority of Americans think that Bush is moron and any poodle of him will not be any better.

    I am with 80% of the Americans and you're a minority.

    As far as hints, Harper would not know, as he would consider an oncoming train out of a tunnel as a light at the end of the tunnel. He has no judgement of his own other than what his master Dubya dictates.

    So get an X-ray done of your brains and all you will find is one big bone

  5. LeDaro the confused . . . did you know that this clown could have been shot, under the Geneva convention rules, as an non-uniformed combatant, or spy?
    He is lucky to be living in style at Gitmo, the prison where all the inmates are said to be getting fat.
    He will and should be tried by a military court, period!!!
    He committed no crime in Canada . . . why would we want anything to do with this clown?
    At 15 if you haven't figured out yet that throwing grenades at folks might get you imprisoned . . .
    His family was not much of a role model, my question is, How did these crazies get into Canada in the first place?
    ps: Who do you suppose will be telling Harper what to do as PM next year? The Magnificent Obumma, will be fun to watch.

  6. Oldschool, old boy I am not confused. A young person is a product of his/her environment. Khadr did not have the best role models. He was very young.

    Moreover, Afghans never invaded US, it is US who invaded Afghanistan. Khadr happened to be there at the time. Our soldiers and US have killed many in Afghanistan too as wars are very unfortunate. He was a child soldier at worst and victim of circumstances. His life was not spared out of pity or humanity but hoping that US authorities can extract information from him which then can be used to justify the war. It should be pointed out that it has not been proven that he threw the bomb or grenade. Military courts do not look for evidence. Their main objective is to convict and that is why it makes it so unjust. Our own former general Romeo Dellair supports repatriation. Is he confused too? He has seen the war first hand which many leaving comments here have not.

    He was born in Canada and he is a Canadian citizen. Britain and Australia have repatriated their detainees and they were not minor. Khadr was when he was detained. As for as Canadian citizens are they are all kind. We need to repatriate him and try him here. That is the only right thing to do.

  7. Since when did 15 become "Very Young"?
    Most 15 year olds I know are able to distinguish between right and wrong. Those that don't are usually in gangs knifing or shooting each other. Do we need to give them all a pass cause they made bad decisions?
    He was born in Canada but his terrorist family sent him to the ME to be educated. He was acting out his belief system when he was arrested . . . now the US military will act out their system of justice . . . and if proven guilty he will get his just reward. Like why would Canada get involved?
    You never seemed to mind when the Taliban shot a few women in the head, or when Sadim was bumping off the soccer team or his sons were raping and pillaging.
    You lefties are just hippocrits.

  8. Oldschool, it is very obvious that it is you who is utterly confused.
    Romeo Dellair is a good judge in my book.

    Even McCain is opposed to GITMO.
