Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and George al-Bush of the United States

What is the difference between these two men? Very little. They both are mass-murderers and they both committed crimes against humanity.

Al-Bashir is responsible for the death of his own people in the tens of thousands, all for power and control.

Al-Bush is responsible for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths (according to some reports the figures may over a million) and tens of thousands of Afghanis. He did it for oil in Iraq and to construct a gas pipeline stretching from the former USSR to China.

Both committed heinous crimes and continue to do so.

Al-Bashir has been indicted by the International Criminal Court and rightly so. However, no one has indicted Al-Bush, except for Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler who have asked for Al-Bush’s impeachment and for him to be charged for his crimes.

Now here is the difference, Al-Bashir is president of one of the poorest countries in the world and hence it is possible that his country will be invaded and he will be arrested, indicted, and hung.

Al-Bush a president of the richest and most powerful country in the world. Al-Bush will leave Whitehouse with all his glory and accolades in tact. He will be given millions of taxpayers money to build his library and a hefty pension, body guards and other perks.

Please tell me, where is the justice?

By the way I understand Al in Arabic means descendant of: one is descendant of Bashirs and other is descendant of Bushes. To me they are branches of the same tree with a similar poisonous and deadly outcome.

Click here to read a story about Al-Bashir.


  1. Bashir has left 100's of thousands dead and millions homeless!!!
    Bush's co-called crimes exist only in the minds of the looney left . . . and you see this as a parallel.
    Get your head out of your ASS!!!

  2. Oldschool, being rude will not help your cause or criminals like Bush’s and Cheney’s cause. Bush is responsible for over million murdered and millions displaced. His own countrymen and prominent congressmen Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler think so too. So whose head is in his ass? Pretty clear yours.

  3. Oldschool, may be I am wrong. Your head is in Bush's ass.
