Friday, July 04, 2008

George W. Bush's expected reception in China

I am disappointed with my American friends, they are objecting to Bush attending the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics because China has a poor human rights record. Of course, there are many serious human rights violations in China, I would not dispute this point. But the bigger question that must be asked is, what kind of human rights record does George W. Bush have, and shouldn't he be held accountable for it?

Bush lied to Americans, misled them about Iraq so he could carry out an illegal invasion. Now tens of thousands (maybe even hundreds of thousands) of Iraqis are dead, with many more displaced. Four thousand American troops have died in Iraq. All because of this illegal invasion.

Mayhem and murder continues in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Given all this, can Bush preach to the Chinese about human rights when he hardly has a human rights record of his own?

Furthermore, Bush repeatedly disregarded the Constitution of the United States over the course of his Presidency as he ignored the seperation of powers created by the founding fathers. He also disregarded habeus corpus for detainees kept in Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay (apparantely there are also detainees being kept on ships in deplorable conditions).

Dennis Kucinich and Robert Wexler, both members of Congress, have rightly asked that Bush be impeached, citing a record that is nothing short of criminal. I one-hundred percent agree with these members of Congress and I would strongly urge my American friends to take cues from these two individuals and protest against the criminal and mass murderer who calls himself President of the United States.


  1. This is a little over the top.

    George W Bush is viewed as a "liberator" throughout the world execpt by far left Iraqi haters.

    The fact you can call the liberation of Iraq a "mass murder" makes you look like a bloviating popinjay.

    Iraqis and al qaeda have killed thousands more people than the Americans have.

    Surely, if you put your partisan mentality aside, you can see that Iraq is a better place to live than when Saddam was in power.

    Liberals seem to think that they own the human rights copyright, but as wee see from Iraq, they are no fighter for those rights.

  2. Johnathon, thank you for visiting my blog. Now do yourself a favour and get your eyes checked so that you can read newspapers and watch TV news properly.

    Even the Christian leaders in Iraq say they were 100% better off under Sadaam. Now Bush being good Christian should get some thanks. And congressmen have called him criminal and asked for his impeachment. 70% Americans disapprove of him and think that he is a moron. Now Johnathon it is about time that you come down to earth.
