Monday, June 23, 2008

Terrorist Attack on US will help McCain to win the Presidential Election according to his chief strategist, Charlie Black

Click here to read more about McCain's top adviser, and here for some of Charlie Black's past work. It's unbelievable that McCain still refuses to fire him.


  1. Unbelievable. I heard a US pundit the other day say that the John McCain of 2000 would never have voted for John McCain 2008. The guy has trashed every principle he once touted. And to surround himself with lobbyists of the like of this Black jerk. It speaks volumes for today's John McCain.

  2. MoS, McCain is a “born again” something. Man has a very poor judgment (may be his age is the problem) and I do not know how he will run presidency if elected. Black indeed has a very questionable background and his statement re: terrorist attack improving McCain chances to win is a real doozy.
