Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Split Between Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama

Obama did the right thing, The Reverend (maybe unknowingly) was derailing Obama's campaign through his rants. Reverend Wright does live in the 1960s and 1970s, Obama had no choice but to condemn Wright's rants and split from him.

A Strained Wright-Obama Bond Finally Snaps
As Mr. Obama told close friends after watching the replay, he felt dumbfounded, even betrayed, particularly by Mr. Wright’s implication that Mr. Obama was being hypocritical. He could not tolerate that.

The next afternoon, Mr. Obama held a news conference and denounced his former pastor’s views as “divisive and destructive,” giving “comfort to those who prey on hate.” And so, with those remarks, a tightly knit relationship finally came apart. Click here to read more.

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