Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rev Jeremiah Wright meets John McCain ;)

The following story reveals how bad racism is in the United States, and what difficulties Obama's workers faced in Indiana: Click here to read the story.


  1. If this election achieves nothing else it will open everyone's eyes to the depth and breadth of racism that pervades 21st century America.

    It's an ugly part of the history of the United States going back to its very beginning, one they've been trying to bury ever since. Yet it keeps coming up - and even at the top levels.

    Bush tried to quash all affirmative action programmes. Bush used the "black baby" smear to get rid of McCain in 2000. Hillary boasts of her support from "hard working, white" Americans.

    McCain embraces nutjob white preachers who are far more outrageous than anything said by Obama's preacher and the media yawns.

    A couple of years back I saw Charles Barkley on a late night talk show. He spoke about his rare visits to his family in Alabama. He said he got by okay because he was a former NBA star with a lot of money but that made all the difference. Barkley said the best part of Alabama, for a black man, was leaving.

    Then there's the southern Republicans, all former Dems who changed sides with Lyndon Johnson implemented John Kennedy's civil rights agenda.

    Even now American elections are manipulated to impede minority voting. It's outrageous in what's supposed to be the best democracy in the world but it's now become standard practice.

    I like the United States and my American friends but that's one fucked up country.

  2. MoS, I read both your posts on Hillary Clinton and on Afghanistan. I agree with most everything you write. You have a wonderful way of expressing your ideas. I wish I had 1/10th of that ability.

    I agree with you that America is a very screwed up country -- racism is very much alive, moreso in the Southern states.

    A few years ago I was in Florida. After spending a few days there on vacation, I was being driven back by a taxi driver to the airport. I told that I understand there's alot of African-American people in Tampa, but I wondered why I hardly saw any African-Americans on the streets, on the beach, or in hotels and restaurants. I was absolutely shocked and flabbergasted when the taxi driver said, "Yes, there's a large black population here, but we keep them 'in their place.'"

    Now if leaders like McCain, Bush or even Hillary Clinton pretend there's no racism in the United States, it's very sad -- they must be living in some fantasy land.

    Thank you very much for your very insightful comment.
