Saturday, May 03, 2008

Dick Cheney Arrested ;)

Washington DC: Dick Cheney was arrested for trying to cash in a $360 billion cheque at a local bank. When police interrogated him, he said Dubya gave him the cheque and that the money was meant for the Iraq War.

When the media contacted Dubya, he said he didn't understand "Why Dick would try to destroy the reptutation of my administration. I do not have $360 billion in my bank account. If I did, I would have invaded Iran, North Korea and Syria." Bush added that Dick Cheney had been behaving strangely since he shot his friend on a hunting trip. Whitehouse, media and police are perplexed and are not sure what to do next...

...Okay, okay, it's a joke as you can tell. But another moron actually tried to cash in a $360 billion cheque. Click here to read the bizarre story.

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