Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Barack Obama's pastor

George W. Bush, John McCain and Hillary Clinton are very upset.


  1. I will say one thing about this pastor ..... he is very interesting..sometimes tells the truth..OUCH! Obama has tried to difference himself., as much as he can. They all know some crazies.

  2. Lizt, I agree. This is overkill. How Obama can control what his pastor says? He has freedom of speech and as far as Obama is concerned the pastor is no longer with his campaign.

  3. Yeah... Who were some of the extreme right wing religious zealots supporting the Republicans??? They actually said stupid stuff. Saying that the US killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Japan in WWII is just plain honesty... They gotta have something better than that...

  4. Westerngrit, you're quite right. Look at crazies and religious zealots who supported Bush and now are supporting McCain. Bush and McCain have not even condemned them when Obama has put distance between himself and his former pastor.
