Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John Edwards Drops Out of the Democratic Race

John Edwards announced today that he is dropping out of the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination. He stood for good causes, giving voice to the poor and middle class in America whose voices too often were not heard in the corridors of power. I'm sorry to see him go, but his causes will live on and I believe will be central to the 2008 election.


  1. I liked John Edwards, he like to help in New Orleans, which is more than the government did down there. He is a good Liberal Democrat and I am also sorry to see him go. He probably will back Obama.

  2. You're right about he being Liberal Democrat and I believe you're right that he will back Obama. It is history in the making. See my next picture.

  3. What does the end of poverty look like?

    John Edwards concluded his Presidential campaign yesterday, but not before securing pledges from Obama and Clinton that they would make the ending of poverty central to their presidential campaigns.

    Regardless the road we choose to take, be it a conservative path or a liberal one-- at what point will we consider people out of poverty? Can somebody tell me. Not platitudes like "when every person is living in dignity and without fear" or some other claptrap. I can't measure that, and unless we figure out how to achieve some communistic land of perfection, where everyone is robotically equal, we will always have different strata in society. The poor will always be with us.

    So, please somebody tell me-- What does the end of poverty look like?

  4. Red, you make good points. Probably you cannot eliminate poverty but you can minimize it.

    Society needs to minimize poverty not only for the kindness and human reasons, which are essential, but for selfish reasons too.

    More poverty, more social ills and crime. The rich will be not safe either. If you have a high-definition digital T.V and large number does not then they may break into your living room to get one. That will not be very comfortable for you.

    It is good that politicians talk about these problems. You have to talk about and understand the problems only then you can find the solution.

    Yes some European countries have almost eliminated poverty. Sweden comes to mind.

    Ignoring the problems will not only be unjust but dangerous for a healthy society.
