Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quebec and Ontario separate (or break away) from the Feds on the issue of the Environment

Canada assailed from all sides at climate talks
Quebec's Line Beauchamp and Ontario's John Gerretsen made it clear that Ottawa does not speak for their provinces, which together account for almost two-thirds of the national population. Click here to read more.


  1. Why won't McGinty apply the Kyoto Agreement in Ontario and show a good example. Reduce GHG emissions by 6% from 1990 levels. Apply to steel, forestry, auto, refineries, power plants etc.

  2. I think McGinty should. However, the problem is global. Countries like Canada, US should take lead in the world. Set an example for the world. Through this example other major polluters like India and China can be brought into the fold and so on.
